Solved by verified expert:Resource: The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.Create a lesson plan based on a concept from this class. Use the information shared and suggested in the Lesson Plan discussions in Weeks 1–3 and the Lesson Plan Worksheet.Include the following:Mathematics concept and state standard(s) that addresses that specific conceptExact wording of the specific standard(s) addressed in the lessonExplanation of the lesson activities and outcomes, including any formative and summative assessments and/or authentic performance tasksExplanation of the manipulatives and how they are usedTechnologyCould be a website that provides a game or practice for your studentsUse APA formatting to cite any sources used. Do not directly copy a lesson from another source; avoid plagiarism by changing ideas and phrasing to make them your own.Worksheet attached

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Lesson Plan Worksheet
MTH/214 Version 8
Resource: The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation in this week’s Electronic
Reserve Readings.
Create a lesson plan based on a concept from this class. Use the information shared and
suggested in the Lesson Plan discussions in Weeks 1–3 and the Lesson Plan Worksheet.
Include the following:

Mathematics concept and state standard(s) that addresses that specific concept
Explanation of the lesson activities and outcomes, including any formative and summative
assessments and/or authentic performance tasks
Explanation of the manipulatives and how they are used
Could be a website that provides a game or practice for your students
Use APA formatting to cite any sources used. Do not directly copy a lesson from another source;
avoid plagiarism by changing ideas and phrasing to make them your own.
Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Lesson Plan Worksheet
MTH/214 Version 8
Lesson Plan Worksheet
Lesson Component
Name of lesson
Grade level addressed
Second grade
Reasoning and Proof
State mathematics
standard addressed
Learning goal
(What should students
know and be able to
Materials needed
(student and teacher
Lesson content
(Detailed instructions:
What are the steps for
the lesson?)
Technology component
(if any)
Learning outcomes
(Formative and
summative assessment
of student learning:
How will students show
you that they met the
learning goal?)
Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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