Solved by verified expert:Complete a 2-page research paper on a specific mental illness. This paper should be in APA style, 12 point font, in Times New Roman, 1 inch margin, double spaced. The reference page should be the 3rd page. Your research should include a description of the mental illness, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Also include personal experiences with the mental illness or a case study of a person coping with the mental illness. each topic has to be 2 pages . one for me and one for my friend .1Social Phobia Disorder.2Panic Disorderthis is for the discussion Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has the characteristics of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. The percentage of children with an ADHD diagnosis continues to increase, from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011.Do you believe that ADHD is a “real” disorder? Explain. What do you suppose is causing the continuing increase in the number of children diagnosed of ADHD? Explain. Be sure to respond completely to each part of the discussion topic. Then, respond to at least 2 other student post. Your response to the discussion topic is worth 15 points and each response to another student’s post is worth 5 points.1In my opinion I do believe it’s a “real” disorder though it’s not a severe disorder. The reason I say it’s a disorder because you act out of the norm. Once the doctor diagnose a person and he/she has to take medications to control it, then it is something that is an disorder. people with ADHD just have a different personalities and some could blend in perfectly with individuals without ADHD. If someone were to say that having ADHD is a disease, I would completely disagree.I believe whats causing the rise in ADHD is the more exposure to electronics. The reason I say this is because when I look around at kids of this generation, they are more attached to their phone. The pleasure of having an electronic in their hand keeps them calm but without it, they cry, move around, and shout until they get what they want. Also i believe that the use ff drugs in the parents are affecting their offspring without notice. 2.According to me, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a real disorder with its own emotional, mental, behavioral, cognitive, and educational aspects, which are manifested to some degree among children with ADHD every day of the year. Children with ADHD show difficulties in maintaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In the last five years, the rate of ADHD diagnosis has jumped by over 20% according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is increasing day by day. Inappropriate diagnosis has played a major role in this increase in ADHD cases. However, I believe that the main reason behind it is lack of enough outdoor exposure among kids. Children are now spending half as much time outside as they did in the 90s. Also 8-18 year-olds spend over 7 hours using entertainment media in a normal day. Only about 6% of children play on their own. These statistics are reliable in showing the main reason behind the numerous ADHD cases among children nowadays. There is a negative thing about technology that leads to hyperactivity behavior among children. For instance, if children use modern media such as mobile phones and IPads prior to going to bed, they are likely to experience delayed and shorter sleep durations, and also melatonin suppression. Although these reasons might not be applicable to every child out there with ADHD, they are definitely major contributing factors to the problem. 1.I do believe that ADHD is a real disorder but I think that many children are misdiagnosed with it, and that is why the number of people diagnosed keeps increasing. I have a friend who works in a pharmacy and they have said that the number of prescriptions they fill for ADHD medications is huge. I think the reason more and more children are being diagnosed is because they are spending more time inside in front of technology, and not going outside to run around and play and make themselves tired. When kids sit inside watching TV or using iPads all day they aren’t using any of their energy, and then they are crazy at home with their parents. When they act like this their parents assume something is wrong and then take them to the doctor where they get incorrectly diagnosed with ADHD. I don’t think this situation applies to all the children diagnosed, but I think that is part of the reason why there is such a high number of children diagnosed with ADHD now.2.It is sad to hear that the increase number of children and teens in our country today are being diagnosed with ADHD. I do not believe in ADHD because the doctors are misdiagnosing the children. Just because a child is overactive and over stimulated than another child, dose not mean the overactive child should be diagnosed with ADHD. An overactive and stimulating child is not necessarily hyper. Some children are overactive because of the increase amount of neurotransmittersor in their brain norepinephrine compared to other children. I do not believe children with ADHD should be medicated; I believe as they get older their over activeness and over stimulation will decrease without the usage of medication.It is sad to hear that the increase number of children and teens in our country today are being diagnosed with ADHD. I do not believe in ADHD because the doctors are misdiagnosing the children. Just because a child is overactive and over stimulated than another child, dose not mean the overactive child should be diagnosed with ADHD. An overactive and stimulating child is not necessarily hyper. Some children are overactive because of the increase amount of neurotransmittersor in their brain norepinephrine compared to other children. I do not believe children with ADHD should be medicated; I believe as they get older their over activeness and over stimulation will decrease without the usage of medication.