Solved by verified expert:- International BusinessI’m international majored student I need a good essay to be able to get this scholarship! Please follow the steps!OpenINDEPENDENT SCHOLARSHIP: All Independent Scholarships require the submission of an online application and a response to an essay topic or question(s). An Independent Scholarship may also require the submission of additional application materials, such as a letter of recommendation or a resume (see ESSAY and ADDITIONAL APPLICATION MATERIALS at the end of Application Requirements).E mail and fax submissions of additional application materials will not be accepted. Mailed additional application materials must be postmarked by the deadline date. Late and incomplete submissions will not be accepted.Scholarships with an application period of August through October are awarded for the current academic year. All others, unless noted, are awarded for the next academic year. To receive the funds, you must be enrolled at SDSU during the academic year for which the scholarship was awarded.APPLICATION: You must submit a separate application for each SDSU scholarship for which you want to be considered.All scholarships require an essay. Prepare your essay for each scholarship before beginning the online application process. Prepare your essay in a word processing application and copy it into the online application essay text box.Complete your online application by the application deadline.Print a copy of your confirmation page for your records.If the scholarship requires that you submit information in addition to the application and essay, you will be able to print a cover sheet from your scholarship application confirmation page. Attach the printed cover sheet to your additional application materials and submit to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships by the deadline unless specified otherwise (see ADDITIONAL APPLICATION MATERIALS at the end of Application Requirements). E-mail and fax submissions of additional application materials will not be accepted.Applications that are incomplete at the end of the application period will not be considered.ESSAY: Please submit an essay of no more than 500 words describing what your study abroad program will be and how it will enhance your education and advance your long-term goals.About me:my name is Aiden Degaly, International majored(Middle East and North Africa) . I speak English, Arabic and Chaldean. This is my last semester in Cuyamaca Community College, and hopefully transferring to SDSU next semester.