Solved by verified expert:Describe the importance of
having family involved in the treatment process for substance use
disorders. Please include a reference to each post.
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Describe the importance of having family involved in the treatment process for substance use
disorders. How can you involve family in the treatment and recovery process? Include at least two
inclusive strategies in your response.
Having family involvement in the treatment process is an important piece in the healing
process. Often multi-generational/intergenerational dysfunctional patterns, attitudes and beliefs are
passed down through the generations. Many times, it is probable that more than one family member
has substance abuse issues as may have mental health issues as well. The family can learn to change
their maladaptive patterns of interactions and learn to communicate effectively with each other. The
family can work together to create a genogram and be able to see with clarity the extent of the
substance abuse and mental health issue that have been in the family for generations. Understanding
the family dynamics and history can help the family members see the unhealthy patterns that have
created. With this knowledge they can hopefully understand and offer forgiveness when necessary and
begin the healing process for each family member. The family can play a significant role in the
treatment process by offering support, encouragement and compassion. They can help create coping
skills fo r times of stress. They can also be aware of the warning signs of a relapse.
Week 5 Discussion 1
Describe the importance of having family involved in the treatment process for substance use
disorders. How can you involve family in the treatment and recovery process? Include at least two
inclusive strategies in your response. Describe the importance of having family involved in the
treatment process for substance use disorders. How can you involve family in the treatment and
recovery process? Include at least two inclusive strategies in your response.
The importance of family members involved of the treatment process is very important, in my opinion.
Every family is different and trying to approach family in the process of treatment with an individual
could become difficulty. Going into the situation with a positive approach could be beneficial towards
the individual on a long lasting healthy journey that would lead to a successful recovery. There are
some outpatient therapy programs that family members can attend with their families. Being able to
provide services to the families could allow for improvement in services. Families who are willing to
partake in a life changing goal for they family member who is an addict is important and must be
taking seriously because the individual may relapse if any form of altercations, arguments or
misunderstandings take play. For example, I would like to section my brother so badly because he is a
huge alcoholic but is in denial. My mother said he must want it for himself but I feel like if we
constantly keeping waiting and pushing it to the side something bad is going to happen. I rather be safe
than sorry and give him some tough love because sometimes that’s all they need. “Families must be
distinguished from social support groups such as 12‐Step programs—although for some clients these
distinctions may be fuzzy. One distinction is the level of commitment that people have for each other
and the duration of that commitment. Another distinction is the source of connection.”
Describe the importance of having family involved in the treatment process for substance use
disorders. How can you involve family in the treatment and recovery process? Include at least two
inclusive strategies in your response.
Cheraye :
Family members are considered to be a motivating factor for an addicted individual to get well and
commit to recovery. Many times the family environment will either motivate or discourage the client
from receiving addiction services. The family can be a source of accountability when the client does
decide to commit to a program to receive help. The family is also a source of support that is helpful
when going through the recovery process.
The family structure is a part of the persons balance and need to achieve homeostasis. The addition
can many times cause this balance to be off, so it is necessary to integrate the family in treatment.
One way to include the family is by having family therapy sessions. This allows the family their time to
express how the addiction has impacted them. This prevents the addicts’ ability to minimize the
damage that has been done and take accountability.
Another type of therapy is family involved therapy. This form of therapy seeks to educate the family on
how they can support the recovery process. This therapy would include ways to prevent family
members from enabling the addicts’ behavior. Family involved therapy is psychoeducation to teach the
family about the effects of addiction. In this approach there is no intervention in the family system
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