Solved by verified expert:create a visual aid that explains the obstacles associated with building a simple query, managing source tables and relationships, manipulating fields, calculating totals, and generating calculated fields. Include solutions to overcome them.Address the following:Add to the file you created in Week Two’s visual aid, by choosing two obstacles and their solutions that you personally want to remember and believe will help you going forward working with Microsoft® Access® databases.Use a software that allows you to create a visual description of your obstacles and solutions. Examples of software you may use include Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Piktochart. You may choose any software that creates an electronic file you will be able to submit.Create at least one slide or page per obstacle/solution.Describe the obstacle and at least one solution. In total, your file should have at least six slides or pages when this week’s assignment is complete.
Expert answer:Visual Aid Project, Part III
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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