Solved by verified expert:you need to compile all the deliverables of this project in one 5-6 pages briefing paper. Make sure to incorporate the bibliography, and edit the complete document for style and formatting. Utilize appropriate subheadings and transitional statement to develop a cohesive report.Your report should include:· The description of your role· The briefing statement· The current status of the situation· The stakeholder analysis· The stakeholder linkage map (group project highlighting your part in it)· The outline of the stakeholder engagement/communication plan· List at least 3 lessons pertinent to the managerial roles you were assigned to.






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Melvis Atongwe
HMGT 300
Assignment #1
Communication and ethics officer as I understand is two jobs combine in one. Below is a
description of both jobs individually.
The Communications Officer will work closely with the Senior Leadership team to implement
strategic and operational communications and public relations activities to and to ensure an
integrated communications and marketing function across the communities. The
Communications Officer is assigned to shift work in the Communications Center. The work
involves the screening of requests for assistance in emergency and non-emergency situations.
Direct supervision is received from the Shift Supervisor and general supervision is received from
the Executive Director
Roles and responsibilities

Operate computerized telephone switchboard to provide effective and efficient flow of
communication to staff, patients, physicians and general public.

Receive and communicate requests for air medical and ground response to nurses and

Monitor and respond to emergency and life safety systems.

Receive and communicate requests and information to the hospital security officers.

Monitor the Civil Defense and Intra-Hospital radio networks.

Control and operate the public address system.
Ethics Officers are the ones who are responsible for looking at every single aspect of an
organization’s procedures to make sure that they are consistent with the code of ethics of the
Duties of an Ethics Officer

An Ethics Officer is accountable for developing and supervising the ethics of an
organization. They look after the conformity and function of the business conduct for the
whole organization.

Ethics Officer provides leadership and provides expert advice to make sure of the
development, explanation and execution of ethics and the observance of the policies and
programs of the company.

An Ethics Officer performs investigation that is based on the accusations and objections
of misdemeanor that is brought to his awareness by other bodies. They guide their
employers to develop the code of ethics so that there is a lucid standard and also institute
penalty for defiance of the code.

Ethics Officers impose the code of ethics and make modifications as needed. They assess
the mission, vision, goals and values of a company and to find out if the company is or
not complying with the statements.
As seen above, the communication and ethics officer will have to combine the duties of a
communication officer and those of an ethics officer.
To be effective in this position;

an individual most have great verbal and written communication skills, write with
precision and clarity
demonstrate commitment to client services
experience in social media and new technology used for communication
Ethics Officer Job Description. (2011, March 25). Retrieved March, 2018, from

Ethics Officer Job Description

HMGT 300
Assignment #1
Communication and ethics officer as I understand is two jobs combine in one. Below is a
description of both jobs individually.
The Communications Officer will work closely with the Senior Leadership team to implement
strategic and operational communications and public relations activities to and to ensure an
integrated communications and marketing function across the communities. The
Communications Officer is assigned to shift work in the Communications Center. The work
involves the screening of requests for assistance in emergency and non-emergency situations.
Direct supervision is received from the Shift Supervisor and general supervision is received from
the Executive Director
Roles and responsibilities

Operate computerized telephone switchboard to provide effective and efficient flow of
communication to staff, patients, physicians and general public.

Receive and communicate requests for air medical and ground response to nurses and

Monitor and respond to emergency and life safety systems.

Receive and communicate requests and information to the hospital security officers.

Monitor the Civil Defense and Intra-Hospital radio networks.

Control and operate the public address system.
Ethics Officers are the ones who are responsible for looking at every single aspect of an
organization’s procedures to make sure that they are consistent with the code of ethics of the
Duties of an Ethics Officer

An Ethics Officer is accountable for developing and supervising the ethics of an
organization. They look after the conformity and function of the business conduct for the
whole organization.

Ethics Officer provides leadership and provides expert advice to make sure of the
development, explanation and execution of ethics and the observance of the policies and
programs of the company.

An Ethics Officer performs investigation that is based on the accusations and objections
of misdemeanor that is brought to his awareness by other bodies. They guide their
employers to develop the code of ethics so that there is a lucid standard and also institute
penalty for defiance of the code.

Ethics Officers impose the code of ethics and make modifications as needed. They assess
the mission, vision, goals and values of a company and to find out if the company is or
not complying with the statements.
As seen above, the communication and ethics officer will have to combine the duties of a
communication officer and those of an ethics officer.
To be effective in this position;

an individual most have great verbal and written communication skills, write with
precision and clarity
demonstrate commitment to client services
experience in social media and new technology used for communication
Ethics Officer Job Description. (2011, March 25). Retrieved March, 2018, from

Ethics Officer Job Description

Communication and Ethicks Officer
rights and
Other Team
Incident Commander
Professor Hoburg
Finance Chief
Deshka Kostova
Safety and Security Chief
Vessel Sanitation
Toughness of
Cleaning (TDC)
Cruise Line
Assosiation (CLIA)
rights and
communications about actions need to be
taken to provide needed medical
imformation management and
confidentiality policies
social media use and media
Regional Health Information
Health Information Exchange
d Security Chief
Vesel Sanitation
Maritime Holdings
Assignment week 4 HMGT 300
Regional Health Information Organization, Mission: To assist
healthcare providers and patients with the use of technology and
connectivity to improve the health of our communities.
As the communication and ethics officer, I will make sure all
employees are trained on how to use the various communication
technologies available. I will make sure all information reaches
the various departments in a timely manner, which will thereby
increase conncectivity and efficiency in delivering care.
Regional Health Information Organization is essential in the
managerial department because it enables all medical care
departments to share records across institutions. It precisely
eases the flow of patients’ information whenever and wherever
required to give the best care especially during emergencies and
outbreaks such as noroviruses outbreak. RHIO enables medical
practitioners to reduce the risk of mistakes caused by incomplete
records or badly handwritten prescriptions, and avail more
informed medical care services during outbreaks and office
visits. Therefore it has reduced the death rate due the
availability of detailed information. This stakeholder is
represented by the communication department as it avails the
necessary information in the healthcare (Ginter, 2018).The
achievements include improved decision making due to the
accessibility of comprehensive information on medical records;
it helps in avoiding duplicate testing and reduce medical care
Swayne, L. E., Duncan, W. J., & Ginter, P. M. (2006). Strategic
Management of Health Care Organizations. [N.p.]: Blackwell
Regional Health Information Organization
manages the exchange of data among
government, patients and healthcare provider
settings. The Government can give the
stakeholders grants to support them financially.
When the providers pay transaction fees and
renew their subscriptions, stakeholders are
enabled to earn substantial profit (Mossialos,
Wenzl, & Sarnak, 2016).The consumers can pay
for this services provided to them by the
Mossialos, Wenzl, & Sarnak, (2016). 2015
international profiles of health care systems .
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in
Regional Health Information Organization partners with Health
Information Exchange ( They both share medical patients information between
different healthcare organizations. Decision making has been simplified
especially during outbreaks as both Stakeholders use the information
available in their systems. Tracking of patients medical histories which
facilitates and coordinates patient care and also avoids mistakes that are
costly hence patients safety is improved. With the right information,
medical practitioners may shun from performing unnecessary tests
(Rudin, Motala, & Shekelle, 2014).Patients medical records are stored
safely in electronic forms so that when an emergency or a disaster occurs
your informantion would be retrievable from a safe source.
Rudin, Motala, & Shekelle, (2014). Usage and effect of health
information exchange: a systematic review. Annals of internal
medicine , 161 (11), 803-811.
During emergencies, the stakeholders are usually of great
help. They have a system where patients medical history is
stored and is easy to retrieve. Information on viral
outbreaks is also available thereby making it easy to
identify infections and give correct treatments to patients.
In an incidence of an outburst, like the case of the
norovirus attack on the Sun Princess Cruise ship.
Emergency health caregivers and rescue teams can gather
much information about the outbreak, patient records, and
previous analysis of the same attack electronically from
databases provided by Regional Health Information
Organizations and Health Information Exchange (Alirol,
Kuesel, & Gomes, 2017).This helps in giving quick
solutions to epidemics and also reduces the damages that
the outbreak could have caused.
Alirol, Kuesel, & Gomes, (2017). Ethics review of studies
during public health emergencies-the experience of the
WHO ethics review committee during the Ebola virus
disease epidemic. BMC medical ethics , 18 (1), 43.
Running head: MEMORANDUM
HMGT 300 7981 Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare sector
Running head: MEMORANDUM
To: Incident Commander
From: Communication and Ethics Officer
Subject: Factors Affecting HC services delivery
Date: 1/5/2017
Due to the recent occurrence of the voyage where our customers got infected by an illness, the
norovirus, the incident raised serious concerns about our reputation and to our esteemed
customer’s life. It is with grave regret that we had to cancel the voyage only on the first day of
the journey. Close to 90 of our passengers got infected which is a worrying factor that impacts
both the company and the customers. Therefore, your department should have been more careful
in addressing the situation because we got bad press after the incident. There was a whole lot of
communication breakdown despite the efforts made concerning the same. Closer scrutiny on the
incident identified the possible weaknesses and the solutions that must get applied in such a
scenario henceforth. This department is concerned with the company’s image and the employees’
workplace behavior which fell short of the required ethical standards.
The department identified two core issues that need immediate reactions to cool the
already hot ‘climate’ the company is now facing. The first issue was the use of contaminated
food to serve our guests despite the health and safety standards the company operates on after the
previous incident like the current one. Our department received reports of unethical staff
practices when handling the food delivery process which led to the routine occurrence that day.
Running head: MEMORANDUM
The relevant staff did not follow the ethical guidelines that are in place when managing the
delivery process. The second issue that contributed to the mess was the improper communication
channels that the employees in your department followed despite efforts made in the past
concerning the same. This issue is of great concern due to the impact on the entire company
which led to the spotlight the company is currently having on the media. Your desk is the first
place a saga like this should not bypass and get to the press.
The staff should handle the foods with utmost care and make sure the foods used in the kitchen
gets tested and checked to confirm whether it is still healthy and fresh for consumption. It is
ethical for the staff to ensure that the meals required by the guests are safe and free from
contaminations failure to do so would amount to penalties on their part. This sector is so far the
most critical part of our company, and therefore it deserves the extra attention to ensure that
safety standards get met and followed. The communications channel is clear, and every
employee should ensure that incidences like this in the future follow the right channel and avoid
giving delicate details to the press.
The solutions to the incident should involve the relevant stakeholders to realize success, and this
calls for a concerted effort from the specific stakeholders and work as a unit. The company’s
supplier should be the first to apply the company’s guideline. And ensure that ethical standards
get followed. The supply chain manager is the next in line to oversee the whole supply process
and delivery process and ensure that the rules get applied. The staff under the manager should
also match the company’s ethics in their duties. The workforce plays a vital part in this process
and should ensure they give attention to detail. The chefs must ensure they follow guidelines and
invest their time in these efforts to prevent a future occurrence.
Your cooperation on this issue will get appreciated.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan Memo
HMGT 300 7981 Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare sector
TO: Incident Commander
FROM: Melvis Atongwe
SUBJECT: Stakeholder Engagement Plan
DATE: April 22rd, 2018
Stakeholder engagement is the plan the process by which an organization involves
individuals and organizations that are directly or indirectly affected by the decisions and actions
of the organization. These individuals and organizations can also influence the implementation of
key decisions of the organizations. It is imperative to understand that stakeholder engagement is
an important part of the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) that helps the
organization in achieving triple bottom line. Stakeholder engagement plan, in other words, assist
the organization to communicate and engage relevant stakeholders that their contribution to the
organization is of great importance to the organization.
Effective stakeholder engagement helps the organization management to develop a mutual
trust, transparent communication, and respect between the organization and its stakeholders thus
improving the organizational decision-making process. Effective stakeholder engagement will
thus enable the organization cut costs, manage risks, enhance organizational reputation, and most
importantly help the organization avoid conflict with the stakeholders as the interest of both the
organization and the stakeholders are aligned.
It is important to communicate with stakeholders in the manner that works best for all of
them by recognizing the fact that every individual, organization, or community is unique in one
way or the other. In this case, it is important to select a communication channel that is suitable to
each of them. In this stakeholder engagement plan, the main communication channels will be
phone calls and text messages, print and visual media such as newspapers, TVs, and Radio. The
selected main communication channels are effective in meeting the needs of each stakeholder since
they are all accessible to all stakeholders including individuals, communities, and organizations.
The alternative communication channels will include email, social media, and in-person group
One of the policies that set restrictions and specific requirements for communication and
engagement with stakeholders is the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 which empowers the Federal Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) to manage the promotion of Health IT, including quality, safety and security as
well as the secure information exchange (“HITECH Act Summary”). In this case, this policy may
provide recommendations on how to communicate with stakeholders during disasters like this
Norovirus outbreak. Through HITECH the policy may also establish other requirements that the
program stakeholders must communicate with other parties.
One of the relevant communication points is the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and
Responses that is responsible for coordinating all the communication protocols with all the relevant
stakeholders. The office is also responsible for the coordination and appropriate use of the program
resources. The two ethical considerations that will influence communication with stakeholders
include seeking common ground through communication and collaboration and community
stakeholder participation and risk of stigmatization.
HITECH Act Summary. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gable, C., & Shireman, B. (2005). Stakeholder engagement: A three-phase methodology.
Environmental Quality Management, 14(3), 9-24. doi:10.1002/tqem.20044

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