Solved by verified expert:PART 1: Analytical ReportThis week, you are tasked to write an Analytical Report. Using your Proposal from week three (PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT), research the feasibility of your plan. Following the steps in our textbook, write a feasibility report laying out the specifics for the implementation of your proposal. Look to the examples from the readings. Your report does not need to be as detailed, but you should cover each of the elements demonstrated.Your final report should be 750-1000 words in length, and should include APA style citations, both in the text and in a References page, for all sources used.PART 2: Representing Data VisuallyThis week, you are tasked to build visual representations of the data you have collected throughout your research. Visual representations of data allow us to share information more efficiently and, often, more effectively.Using the data you gathered/created in your Analytical Report in week five, create three to four graphic representations of that data. This can be done using charts, graphs, tables, and so on. Feel free to be creative. (YOU WILL USE PART 1 ABOVE TO COMPLETE THIS PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT)
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Running Head: Portfolio Project Proposal
Technical Writing
January 30, 2018
Policy makers, teachers, parents and tech executives are trying to get new and improved
ways they can improve the performance of their students in schools. However, the school keeps
redesigning the curricula while the teachers accept and reject various learning technologies. At
homes, the parents keep their kids at toes and make them study more.
Students need to strategize on ways of studying and not just jump into studying for the
sake of the exams or just out of their obligation. Students in various schools use different tips to
prepare for their exams. The most common methods or tips include the use of diagrams and
flowcharts, practice on old exams, use of study groups and some rely on the use of brain foods
like fish and nuts. However, the introduction of myExamtrack has improved these old methods
and made the preparation of exams more effective and efficient.
MyExamtrack is an application developed to ease the preparation of exams by students.
The application is readily available on various platforms. With the myExamtrack application, the
students can keep track of their homework schedule as well as their exams. It is operated by
setting a reminder for an upcoming quiz and exam thus enabling them to be on time and avoid
students to miss their exams. The best thing about this application is that one can change themes
that one finds favorable. Additionally, the premium version of this app allows one to upload files
to the system.
To access the application from anywhere, follow the following steps;
1. For Apple users, download the app from iOS while the android users, find the app in the
Google play store.
2. After installing the app, restart the device.
3. You can login or register the app into the device either by Google+ or Facebook account
4. From the URL provided, one can subscribe to a calendar.
5. The user can set any upcoming exam and note the date of the event.
6. Finally, set the reminder for the added event.
The application is very useful especially for students and teachers in school. Everything
about school work is limited by time. The application improves the old methods for it helps the
students to manage time and help them prepare for their exams. It is also advantageous for it
enables one to upload file s to the system.
Moreover, one can change the theme of the setting to the proper style and color.
MyExamtrack application is a new technology, therefore, increases efficiency in school and the
performance of students in the exams. Additionally, the myExamtrack application is easily found
on the internet in the Google play store, therefore, can be accessed by anybody from any
RECOMMENDATIONS – How myExamtrack app can be provided more efficiently and
I would recommend everyone to try out this app and share your experience. This will
enable me to improve on any possible faults in the app. Also, one can share any thoughts on how
to improve the app. Also, the reviews and the comments from the users will help me to find the
relevant skills to input on the app.
In overview, the myExamtrack application is suitable for it’s an improvement to the old
methods. It is a technology improvement thus improves efficiency and accuracy. It is easy to
install and use from any location. Most importantly, one can set as many reminders as one
wishes. Therefore, students are more likely to improve their exams performance than before by
using this new technology. Moreover, many people have used it and had recommended people to
install it.
Broekkamp, H., & Van Hout-Wolters, B. H. (2007). Students’ adaptation of study strategies
when preparing for classroom tests. Educational Psychology Review, 19(4), 401
Pressley, M., Yokoi, L., van Meter, P., Van Etten, S., & Freebern, G. (1997). Some of the
reasons why preparing for exams is so hard: What can be done to make it easier?
Educational Psychology Review, 9(1), 1-38.
Van Etten, S., Freebern, G., & Pressley, M. (1997). College students’ beliefs about exam
preparation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 22(2), 192-212.
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