Solved by verified expert:Please upload a one-page, SINGLE SPACED topic proposal. The topic must be focused on a piece of legislation relevant to HRM (Human Resource Management). Please search for at least two sources related to the idea, develop a thesis statement, and a one-paragraph rationale for why the topic is relevant to managing human capital. Topics cannot be changed, once selected. If a topic is changed during the process you must start over with a proposal, outline, draft, etc. Select it carefully! This is a formal, written assignment, but the format is free flowing and may use any narrative style to accomplish the objectives. At least one source must be an academic/scholarly source (peer reviewed journal article) and the other may be from anywhere legitimate (SHRM, textbook, trade journal, etc.). Given the vast amount of available research there is no value in using Wikipedia as a main source for this project.Suggested, but not required, format for the assignment:IntroductionTopic ideaBrief summary of the two sources (one paragraph total)Rationale for relevanceConclusionReferences in APA style on separate page
Expert answer:Human Resource Management (HRM) topic paper propos
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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