Solved by verified expert:You will answer a total of two questions.Everyone must answer question number one (1) and then pick one (1) of the two remaining questions.Q1: You must answer this questionPlease explain how and why it is that in New Brunswick NJ, nearly all the workers employed by temp agencies,warehouses,or light manufactuers are immigrant Latinos, and why are the jobs so low paying?Things to consider: I am looking for an answer that encompasses what you know about the theories of migration (and how they relate to this particular question) as well as everything we have discussed with regards to racialized labor markets (how they are organized, what the conditions are like, and why employers organize them) and anything else that we have discussed that would help you get the maximum number of points for this questionplease read all interactions below
Expert Answer :Latino work in the US
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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