Solved by verified expert:INTRODUCTION TO SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERINGThere are couple of ways to turn in the exam:1- Print it,2- write your answer or draw your answer3- scan everything4- make it :a- all part of the same file (Scanners allow you this option as you scan the pages)b- Attach all of the files in to your email and then send it.There were some concerns as to the drawings and how they need to be completed.You do not have to use AutoCAD, if you do great. Typically students have sketched the drawings free hand to the best of their ability and then scan it and send it along side of the rest of the exam. Make sure the drawing has a title to address:

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STUDENT NAME: ————————————————————————————-
1- Flying buttresses were extremely important in the progress of construction technology and engineering
in Medieval times; Why?
A- allowed us to build high
B- allowed us to bring more light in to the space by creating openings in the walls more than
ever before
C- Flying buttresses had no impact in technology and therefore the statement is not correct
D- Only A and B are correct
2- What were the three most important contribution of “Industrial revolution” to the progress of
abc3- What do the following abbreviations stand for :
a- ASTM :
b- ANSI:
c- SAE:
4- The gears noted below are recognized to be the inventions of ancient and medieval times primarily
used by people :
5- What does the “Venn Diagram” consist of and what does it define: Draw the diagram clearly and name
the components clearly:
6- What is the name of the following object which was used by East and West for navigation and
determination of destination distances:
7- What are the phases of a contract between and engineer and a client for development of a product?
Write the phases below:
8- When you see the images of the old and new cities such as those shown below; how many field of
engineering will come to mind that are responsible for such advancement? Name at least seven
8- What is the typical ratio between the pay rate and billing rate?
9- With difference between the billing rate and pay rate, every office will have additional reserve to spend
on: name at least 4 amenities that offices provide for employees with that reserve
ABCD10- Name 4 types of engineering that are highly sought after by defense industries and department of
homeland security: (research will be required log in to the websites)
abcd11- What is the typical name of the drawing shown below?
12- Draw the “Sustainable Product” Diagram and name the components
13- Name 4 major needs of all human beings from the down of civilization:
14- Name the engineer (Mechanical, Structural, etc.) for the given tasks:
A- Understand the dynamic forces active on an air born object
B- Provide the design for foundation of high rises :
C- Work per ASHRAE standards to create a comfortable environment for occupants
D- Determine the major issues related to traffic and movement of vehicles as well as
those related to mass transit systems
15- Sketch the top view, right view and front view (conventional front) of the object shown
below: (utilize the three main line types for this type of drawing)
16- There is a specific type of drawing that was utilized by Leonardo D’Vinci to create this
painting; what is the name of this type of technique or drawing?
17- What is the name if this type of drawing utilized by engineers for showing a 3 dimensional
object ?
18- Sketch the top view and front view of the object shown below (dimensions are not
important for this exercise)-Major 3 type lines must be shown:
19- We can award a public funded project by negotiation with a selected vendor;
20- What is the best definition for a “Contract”?
21- When or at which phase of our contract with a client do we come up with the “Concept” for a
22- In AutoCAD drawings this symbol or its variants appears at the lower left corner of the
screen; what is the name of this symbol:
23- When seeing this symbol (symbol in question above), it means we are drawing in what type
of environment?
A- 2D, B-3D,
C- No specific environment
24- What is the abbreviation for the commands noted below in AUTOCAD:
A- Line : Abb:
B- Trim: Abb:
C- Offset: Abb:
25- “Vladimir Shukov” is renowned engineer who worked in the field of :
A- Naval Sciences
B- Tensile structures and light weight structures
C- Armored carrier personnel and mobile military operations
D- None of the above
26- What was the major project by “ John Frank Stevens “?
27- What is the generic name we have given to these formulas in Algebra:
A- Equations
C- Integrals
D- Differential Equations
28- Industrial revolution created good paying jobs (TRUE) (FALSE)
29- What is the (Sin) and (Cos) of angle (x) in the diagram below: Research and write the
answer0 (research Trigonometry)
30- What does the vector “R” represents in the diagram below? Research how graphically we
can show the “sum of forces”
31- Calculate the resultant force for the following interaction: (Key : Golden Triangle)
32- Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding father of our country, what was his main
profession as an engineer? (Research and write your answer)
33- Who are the two engineers that are known to be the fathers of “precision engineering”? Write
your answer below
34- Which engineer will be responsible to determine the size of water lines, sewer lines, gas lines
that come to various buildings?
a- Electrical Engineer,
b- Civil Engineer,
c- Plumbing Engineer,
d- Structural engineer,
e- None of the above
35-Solidworks software is used much more in …………….. Than any other engineering field:
a- Architecture
b- Movie stage set design
c- Manufacturing
d- None of the above
36- The symbols on the upper right of each number represents————————?
Circle each one and write the explanation
B- 35d-20’-30”
37- What is the meaning of “HVAC”?:
38- Draw the diagram and write the phases involve in creating and development of any product
specially any engineering product?
39-What are 5 important stages of “Problem Solving”? List them below:
ABCDE40- When we are looking at various engineering technologies they are primarily based on several
steps; the first step is “Repetition”. What are the subsequent steps?:
A- Repetition
B- ?
C- ?
41- As an engineer your main ethical responsibility is:
A- Make a product that is good but not competitive
B- Look after the safety and welfare of the public
C- Get your degree and start practicing
D- None of the above
42- Indicate all the areas that contribute to failure of engineers:
43: What does the picture below show:
44- N. Tesla is famous for? Write your answer below;
45- Thomas Edision and N. Tesla were active inventors and engineers in which engineering
A- Architecture
B- Electrcial Engineering C- Traffic Engineering
46-Identify the hidden lines on the drawing below:
47- What is “Rene Descartes” philosophy in regard to nature of human being and his reasoning
capabilities which has influenced the field of engineering enormously? Write your answer below;
48- Reinforced Concrete is considered to be (choose the best answer):
A- Non Renewable Source
B- Renewable Source
C- Composite material
49- Who are the following people and why they are important in the field of engineering
specially aerospace programs:
A- Werner Von Brown (USA):
B- Sergei Korolev (RUSSIA-USSR):
C- Robert Godard (USA)
D- Whittle (England-UK) and Von Ohain (Germany):
50- What does the lines with arrows and numbers represent?
Is the representation using the correct format?
51-Per your text book, name 3 organizations that can help you remain up-to-date while
practicing engineering?
52- Bonus Question: What are the best strategies in successfully studying engineering? Name a
few here;
53- Bonus Question: “Law of Elasticity”first was discovered by:
A- Henry Moore
B- Frank Lloyd Wright
C- Robert Hook
D- Le Corbusier
54- Bonus Question: What was the most important contribution of Cyrus McCormick to the
engineering field? Write your answer below;
55- Bonus Question: Draw the top view , front view and right view of the object shown below:
56- Bonus Question: Where was this image created? Name the place
57- Bonus question: What was the most important contribution of the building that is shown in
the question above? Write your answer
58-Bonus question: Alcohol which later on revolutionized all industries was first created and
recognized by which Persian Scientist/Polymath of Medieval Islamic era:
A- Razes
B- Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
C- Farabi
D- None of the above
59- Bonus Question: Identify 9 materials that we have been utilizing since Antiquity for
engineering and construction work:
60- Bonus Question: Who was the first person that was able to create assembly line for car

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