Solved by verified expert:Charge Description ManagerCAHIIM Objective: IV.A.2 Evaluate the revenue cycle management processIt is January 10th and your coding manager has just brought you a list of accounts that cannot be finalized because the CPT codes attached to the charges are not valid. You HIM systems were updated for the January 1 CPT code changes. Most of the accounts include a charge for 71234. · Assess what could possibly be the “problem” and how will can it be fixed?· Appraise the impact this “problem” could have on the revenue cycle (positive or negative)· Follow-up with a plan to “fix” the current problem· Provide a plan of how this can be avoided in the future2017 Chargemaster:Item CodeService DescriptionRevenue CodeCPT CodePrice72121Angiography, pulmonary, by nonselective catheter or venous injection, radiological S&I3207574690.0072122Angiography, internal mammary, radiological S&I3207575685.0072123Angiography, selective, each additional vessel studied after basic examination, w/ radiological S&I32075774160.0071234Angiography, AV shunt, complete evaluation of dialysis including fluoroscopy w/ radiological S&I32075791179.00Appendix B-Summary of Additions, Deletions, and Revisions (2017)Radiology:75791-Angiography, arteriovenous shunt (eg. Dialysis patient fistula/graft), complete evaluation of dialysis access, including fluoroscopy, image documentation and report (includes injections of contrast and all necessary imaging from the arterial anastomosis and adjacent artery through entire venous outflow including the inferior or superior vena cava), radiological supervision and interpretation75962- Transluminal balloon angioplasty, peripheral artery other than renal, or other visceral artery, iliac or lower extremity, radiological supervision and interpretation75964-Transluminal balloon angioplasty, each additional peripheral artery other than renal or other visceral artery, iliac or lower extremity, radiological supervision and interpretation (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)75966-Transluminal balloon angioplasty, renal or other visceral artery, radiological supervision and interpretation76706-Code added
Expert answer:Healthcare revenue cycle
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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