Solved by verified expert:i have done three parts of this project and they are attachedthe fourth parts is here which is need to be completed.In the previous phase you used paper and hand drawings or simple computer generated graphics to create various low level prototypes. As part of the same phase you then picked one prototype for further development. In this phase you are asked to create a high level prototype.This is the initial coding phase of the project. Based on all of the work you have done so far, you need to create a functioning system that implements your design. You are free (and encouraged) to modify your design based on what you have learned so far. The primary goal of this prototype is to enable you to perform a user test (which is the following phase). So, the way to think about how much of this prototype that you must build is to think about the parts that will be needed to perform the usability test. Build those needed parts for this prototype. Thus, you should look ahead at the user study requirements to inform your thinking about this prototype. In general, the prototype does not have to be finished (you will have one more chance for completing the application). But all of the elements that you want to study need to either be finished, or have hooks for “Wizard of Oz” scenarios.DeliverablesCreate a report that includes the following with each item labeled with clear letters ((a. through e.):Summary Description – a short (1-2 pages) description of how your low level prototype was transformed into a high level prototype. In particular, make sure you indicated:What you have doneWhat in the prototype still needs expansion / changes/ further developmentPrototype Description – a description of how your prototype works. You must:Include images / screenshots and explanation of the transitions.Describe the platform and other information necessary to execute your code/prototypeCreate a zip file with all the code used / created for the prototypeCreate an executable version of the prototype. If the prototype is a webpage, and the page is publicly accessible, you can send the link to the page (you must still submit the code though)If the prototype cannot be tested directly, create a short movie on how somebody can interact with the prototype.Submission InstructionsSubmit the following to this assignment:ReportZIP fileExecutable prototypeMovie (optional)Preferably submit your report as a Word document.In addition:Make sure that your name and your project name are included in the documentAdd a link to the report from your group project page (that you created for your proposal).


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1. Student
Interviewer: Kindly exp[ress to us who you are and what do you do.
Student: I am a student at the University. I pursue a degree in Archeology and History
studies. I am currently in my third year at the University.
Interviewer: Does your course involve a lot of research?
Student: As stated above, my course involves history and Archeology. I guess it is
almost obvious that I do a lot of research. This is due to the fact that most of the things
we learn date from years back.
Interviewer: What is your preferred method of researchimng?
Student: I prefer the Internet.
Interviewer: Why do you prefer the internet to your school library.
Student: The school library has a huge collection o0f books which I presume is a good
investment by the university. This is due to the fact that you can never look for
soome5thing in the library with regards to archeology and fail to find it. The sheer size
of the book collections in the library is the main challenge to research. When one is
looking for information, one first goes to the University catalog where they have to find
the location of a book they think could have the information they are looking for. In
most cases, when one finds a book they think could be baring the information they are
looking for, they don’t find the specific information and have to look over and over a
number of books. On the other hand, when one goes to any search engine on the internet,
they can find the information they are looking for directly.
Interviewer: The internet seems to be a perfect center for research. Do you think it has
some disadvantages or limitations with regards to research?
Student: The greatest challenge I have encountered on the internet is finding previously
searched pages. Apparently, I prefer comparing information from different sites since
most of the information on the internet is usually cooked. As such, you can never rely
on one source.
Interviewer: What do you think would be the solution to that problem?
Student: I currently do not have a direct answer to that since I am not an Information
Technology person. However, I believe that it is possible for developers to come up
with a solution if they could sit down and try to brainstorm on an appropriate solution
to the problem.
2. Educator
Interviewer: How are you?
Educator: I am doing fine.
Interviewer: Can we get to know you further.
Educator: Yes, I am a Doctor of Archeology in my University. I mostly lecture
freshman students on History and Archeology.
Interviewer: I am aware you do a lot of research in your field of study, are there any
challenges that you go through in doing the same?
Educator: Challenges in the field of research are multiple. Some of the challenges exist
in the use of books as elements of research whereby one ends up spending a lot of time
just to find a minute piece of information.
Interviewer: Are there challenges in using information from the Internet?
Educator: The internet is very effective for the greater part. However, on the other
hand, it can be very tiresome when one is trying to find sources or sites one had earlier
visited. At times I end up spending so much time scrolling through lists of pages on my
browser history while clicking every link to see which one will provide me with the
information I had earlier seen. In essence the internet has no elaborate or conclusive
way of keeping its history or the information of the sites previously visited. Even though
all the sites can be traced, but on visits many sites hence it is difficult and even
impossible to know which exactly site one visited earlier on.
Interviewer: What do you think would be the solution to the stated problem?
Educator: The first Solution would be coming up with an advanced level browser that
is able to record a person’s search history. This browser should not only keep the names
of the history but also remember details and have
a way of presenting these details.
The software should then take the history and find the relationship between the content
on the visited sites. After this, the software should be able to draw a map on the basis
of the content on the sites. The software should be able to read the content on the visited
site and make it possible for one to search for content based on anything they can recall
within the site including the time they visited the site. The Software should also have
the ability to make predictions for somebody. It should do this on the basis of the most
searched content on the software even by other people. This, therefore, declares that the
software should collect information regarding what people search and use that to make
suggestions to people with similar interests.
Interviewer: Thank you for your suggestion. It aids actually very comprehensive.
Task List Validation
Interviewer: Explain to us who you are and what your occupation is.
Blogger: I am a more female lifestyle blogger. I am 24 years old. 8I mainly blog on
fashion trends for men’s clothes and fashion events.
Interviewer: Are you the frequent user of the internet and what do you use it for if you
Blogger: I mainly use the internet as a tool for research. This is due to the fact that, I
get notified about any new trends online so that I can write about them.
Interviewer: Our team is working on a system that is aimed at reducing the hustle
people go through while conducting searches on the internet. The system will have a
number of functionalities. One of the functions of the system will be recording user
history. After that, the system will use the visited sites to develop a roadmap based on
the relationship of the text content on the sites. This will make it easier for users to find
their last visited sites. Additionally, the system will collect information from different
users with similar interests to try and make predictions to the user on what he or she
might be looking for.
Blogger: Wow, I think that’s the best solution to a problem I have also faced in the past.
Interviewer: Do you think the system will be helpful to you?
Blogger: Of course it will be very helpful. However, I would like to make a suggestion
to the proposed system. The system should have a way to index images and compare
the images on the sites. This will be crucial since it will help the user search information
and details with ease and also know what to look and how to get it.
Interviewer: Thank you for the suggestion that will be very useful in creating the
system. Thank you for your time too.
Research Consultant
Interviewer: How are you this evening Sir.
Consultant: I am really doing great.
Interviewer: Could you please inform us on what you do for a living and your age.
Consultant: I am a Research Consultant with a huge research firm in my city. I have
been working there for twelve years now focusing on animal diseases. I am currently
forty-one years old.
Interviewer: We have a proposed project which I would like you to comment about.
This is due to the fact that it touches on your career fields a lot.
Consultant: Kindly talk to me about it. I will appreciate to know the details and see if
I can offer my helping hand.
Interviewer: We are planning to develop a system which will help people find
information easily on the internet. The system is an improvement of the search history
provided by browsers. The system will be responsible for bookmarking various sites
that a user has visited. The system will then take the said information and plot a map
with regards to a user’s visited sites. The system will also, make suggestions to users
on the sites they should visit. We anticipate the system to transform the use of internet
by making it easier and resourceful to the users since they can not only find it more
informative but also the ease of finding information will be beneficial to them.
Consultant: That is a very good idea, I think it will be very instrumental in making
sure that I spend lesser time looking for sites I have previously viewed.
Revised Tasks
1.The system should have the ability to timestamp user history so that it can be able
to offer predictions even on the basis of time.
2.The system should have the ability to index images and not only text to aid in
plotting a search map.
3.The system should be able to compare searches from different users with similar
interests and provide a comprehensive prediction to users of the system.
4.A predictive algorithm will also be introduced to the system to enable it to give
suggestions to users.
Revised Users
The system was mainly aimed at being used by research consultants, educators,
and students. However, through the interviews, a consideration has been made so that
other people such as lifestyle people and bloggers can be added to the cycle.
Annotated Bibliography
Isbyam, Cosmas, and Louis, Zangwill. Metaphysics and Modern Research. London:
C.W. Daniel Co, 2007.
This book relays the need for use of modern methods of research. It explains that
modern methods of research are simpler and also more effective. The book talks
about how one can use search history on the browser to easily find past searched
Bax, Steve. Research. MacMahon Publishers, 2013.
This source Reiterates the need for specific research and thus gives information
on how to implement predictive algorithms into bro2wsers.
Noel, Jackson. Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research.
Washington, National Academy Press, 2014.
This source reveals the problems that people go through in different browsers
while looking for information they have searched in the past.
Project Proposal
Project Title
The proposed research project name is: User Visit Pan
Project Statement
While navigating the internet using different links, the representation of several websites
lack the pages that indicate the sites that we have traversed. Most web browsers have the
‘history’ section that merely contains a list of data that is replicated, recorded, and stored when a
user navigates many avenues via the forward and back button. An internet user can find it
difficult to locate specific pages that were recently viewed since there are no clear titles when
searching the history lists in the web browsers.
I have had an experience in the past of having to go through the history looking for a site
that I had accessed some days before. I had to open each link in the history, but I could not find
the content. I felt that there was a need to develop a visit plan to help users like me has a nice
experience while using web browsers. It was the motivation behind this project of coming up
with a user visit plan. The idea behind this proposal is to create an interface that will exist within
a browser to allow users to easily revisit pages they have used before via a map that reflects all
the actual paths through the internet. The interface will be a representation of pages,
interrelationships, and the importance using a variety of specifications like the spatial
arrangement, thumbnails the size, background image, site icon, summaries, and background
image among others.
The Target Users
The interface will serve some people, but the primary audiences are the individuals who
spend much of the time using or filtering through much information, for instance, organizations,
students, and even educators. It also targets people who do not use the internet to access similar
or familiar content over time. It seeks to benefit novice users who may not use tabs for the
interesting pages. The interface is also open in the enhancement and the organization of
information when using history.
Tasks of the Interface
The internet provides a wide avenue for searches and activities that range from
academics, shopping, or interest-related searches. History interface in web browsers is researchoriented, that is the representations in the browsers are all geared towards ensuring that users can
access the information displayed in the history. It uses a variety of catalog and visualization
methods to provide this access. Although users may be familiar with the sites that they visit and
may find it easy to locate them from the history lists, it is important to weigh the positive and
negative impacts of using the history. Using the history interface by most browsers frustrates
users due to lack of a map that guides them and the constraint to information.
The methodology used in this project will use the appropriate rules and guidelines that
are used when developing a Human Computer Interaction related interfaces. Programs like Java
and C# will be employed during the implementation stage of the project since the interface relies
on them.
Solution to the problem
A standard consumer browser requires several features and a well-designed history can
be a desirable characteristic. A well-established history interface can be useful as it allows a
quicker way to travel to the visited sites by having an idea of something about the location (URL,
content, date, and banner). Although it could be impossible to implement a perfect history
feature in a browser, the primary focus of this project is narrow in scope but wide in deployment.
At some point, it digs into the concern that Microsoft should have included in the Start button
that contains a history of the accessed content.

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