Solved by verified expert:Write 5pages(1250 words) essay. I have uploaded all the support readings you need onto the dropbox:… Please read all requirements very carefully and makes sure the paper follows the direction very well. Thank you!
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Essay 2- Different Views
Different Views
Completely describe how conservatives, liberals, and radicals explain the causes of and solutions to
What theories and/or evidence do they use to support their views?
Consider one policy that we have discussed in class. From what perspective are they based? How did
you come to this conclusion?
In your opinion, which perspective best explains the experience of poverty— conservative, liberal, or
radical–and why this perspective?
Write a 4-5-page essay responding to the following questions. Use APA citation properly and provide
a synthesis of the questions listed below. Do not just respond to questions– state a claim and back
it up. Synthesize your responses to the following questions so that you build a strong argument.
The second essay is due April 17th at 4 pm. You will be graded in this section on how well you
understand the readings and class lectures/discussions and evidence that you have completed the
readings– be sure to include citations. Essays will be graded based on: demonstrated understanding
of the materials (5 points), evidence of critical thinking (5 points), and coherence of writing and
grammar (5 point). All late submissions lose minimum 3 points.
Articles to be used
Experience, Causes & Solution to Poverty: Conservative
Friedman, M. (2009). Capitalism and freedom. University of Chicago press. Chapter 2,
11 & 12 (Blackboard)
Ravallion, M. (2015). The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy.
Pages 97-105.
Experience, Causes & Solutions to Poverty: Liberal
Piven, F. F. (2001). Globalization, American politics, and welfare policy. The Annals of
the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
577(1), 26-37. (Blackboard)
Benabou, R., & Tirole, J. (2006). Belief in a just world and redistributive politics. The
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
121(2), 699-746. (Blackboard)
Ravallion, M. (2015). The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy.
Pages 105-110.
Experience, Causes & Solutions to Poverty: Radical-ish
Ravallion, M. (2015). The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy.
Pages 87-91
Excerpt from The Theory of Justice. Rawls. Chapter 1 and 5.
Sen, A. (2008). ‘The economics of happiness and capability’. In L. Bruni, F. Comim &
M. Pugno (Eds.), Capability and Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press.
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