Solved by verified expert:Individual Assignment on Environmental IssuesDifferent environmental problems exist due to many factors, which are usually caused by humanbeings. In this group assignment, students are asked to write an in-depth analysis of the problemgiven using the e-book. The analysis should contain the following parts answer the questions undereach part:a. IntroductionThis must introduce the topic by giving a definition of the different terms that will bediscussed in the body.b. BodyWhat are the causes and origin of the problems? What are its effects on the environment(resources) and human beings? Advantages and disadvantages must be given here.Tables, charts, or graphs in presenting data or information will be given additional points.c. ConclusionProvide your points of view about what will happen if the situation continues. What impactsor effects would the problem bring to the ecosystem?d. RecommendationGive a good recommendation/s on how the problem/s will be solved and how eachindividual like you can help in solving the identified problem with consideration toNote: Make sure that the format should be followed.Your assignment should be 2-3 pages excluding the title page and references.* when you finish from my assignment i have to submit in turnitin and that website its looking or searching in my assignment words if i taken from any resource of ( internet, students , books, newspaper …) so you have be careful in that to not become higher then 5%.