Solved by verified expert:Add -on to part one. We had the installation of Operating System in the network. We will continue with that.The step will be to build on your project from Unit 1. You will now start building on the sections of your manual.Nontrivial: The selected business process or set of procedures should reflect a real-life application.Domain knowledge: Students will be applying knowledge of this process or set of procedures to determine the contents of the manual.AssignmentYour next task in this process will be to research and draft the details in the procedures section of your procedures manual. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project deliverable.The project deliverables are as follows:The overall project deliverables are as follows:Update the procedures manual document title page with the new date and project name.Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.Complete the new content listed below, and copy it under the sections in the procedures manual document called “Procedures Manual Proposal” and “Procedures Manual Brochure.”New contentProcedures manual proposalFinalize your proposal to submit to the publisher.Include a letter of explanation for the contents of the proposal to be submitted.Procedures manual brochurePrepare a brochure that is a trifold with 6 pages of content.It should minimally include these components:GraphicsTitleOverview of the contents in the procedures manualMajor proceduresMajor benefitsAuthor information
Expert answer:Standard Operating Procedure, manual and brochure.
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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