Solved by verified expert:I dont wanna hard word or easy I want in the middl. and the topic is why American should study abroad?
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SPC 1017
Dr. Frishman
Persuasive Speech Requirements
Deliver a 5-7 minute persuasive speech (you must select a two-sided issue –
see outline template for more detail. Try to find unique topics that you
genuinely care about!)
Turn in a typed full –sentence outline
Speak from and turn in a ONE page type key word outline (do not use note
Turn in a typed reference page in APA form (
Turn in a type one page Audience Analysis paper (due on your speech day)
Self- Assessment may be done for a BONUS point (use same questions/form
as last speech)
1. Deliver your speech using a one page key word outline only!
Your key word outline must be on one 8×11 sheet of paper and turned in at
the same time full sentence outline and APA style reference page. (No Note
A key word outline uses the same structure as the formal full sentence outline but uses
phrases or partial sentences (key words) to keep you on track as you deliver your
presentation. You should glance at these during your presentation to keep you on track
but do not read verbatim from them. You must practice giving your speech aloud several
times! Know “your stuff” and deliver a complete sheet using the key word outline as a
2. Turn in a full sentence outline on the day you present (just before you begin your
You will use the Motivated Sequence format for this speech
A full sentence outline shows your entire speech (word for word) in outline form.
It is similar to an essay but uses all the elements of the detailed outline structure
(Introduction, Attention getting device, I, II, A. B. C. Conclusion etc…). This outline
allows me to see your entire speech in its best possible form as well as your thought
process, critical thinking skills, and ability to organize your material. It also serves to
back up your hard work if your delivery does not go as planned.
You must use a minimum of three sources and do three verbal citations during your
(see page 2 below)
3. Write an Audience Analysis Paper.
The Audience Analysis paper is a brief three paragraph paper used to formally
examine different characteristics of your audience and develop a strategy to persuade
them to your position.
The paper must include THREE SUBHEADINGS: Identify, Analyze, and
In paragraph/section one you need to identify the variables that you believe will impact
your ability to persuade. Demographic variables include age, income, gender, occupation,
education, religion, and political affiliation among others. Psychographic variables
include attitudes values, beliefs and must be included in your identification section for a
persuasive speech. This section is only one or two sentences long but must include at
least four variable including attitudes, values, and beliefs.
In paragraph/section two you need to analyze or discuss how those variables will affect
your ability to persuade the audience to your point of view. This section should be about
one paragraph. Simply tell me why and how you think the variables you identified matter
to your topic and thesis.
In paragraph/section three you need to discuss how you adapted your speech (language
choice, message, structure/organization, delivery style etc.) in order to be more
3. References
You must verbally cite at least 3 different sources during your speech and document them
a reference page in APA style. You may use Wikipedia only as additional site – it does
not count as one of your three sources.
You may use to properly format your citations. Don’t forget to
put them in alphabetical order on your reference page. Remember to title that document
“References” (not Works Cited/MLA or Bibliography).
APA sample citations can be found at the link below:
You may use PBCC’s online Library to conduct your research.
*Do NOT use Wikipedia as one of your three sources! Use college level sources
(recognized periodicals, government documents, and academic journals).
(see page 3 below)
Key Differences between Persuasive and Informative Speeches
Pick a controversial topic that has two clear arguable sides (“for or against”)
Your thesis MUST be an argument – take a strong stand or clear position
Use one of the two body persuasive structures above for the body of your speech
Your speech must demonstrate ethos, pathos, and logos (see Chapter 16)
Your preview must imply persuasion. Today, I will argue. Or Today, I will
persuade you that …
Your speech must end with a “Call to Action”
*Choose original and creative topics that you are passionate about!
Avoid those that you have heard before in other classes. Search magazine and
newspaper headlines (politics, business, sports) for ideas – look for controversial or
two-sided topics.
Links for topic ideas and as one of your research sources!
*Closely read Chapter 16!
Sample Motivated Sequence Outline Format
Use this format for BOTH Outlines
Your FULL SENTENCE Outline should be 3-4 pages double spaced
Your KEWWORD Outline must be one single spaced page (front & back is ok)
Your speech must be between 5-7 minutes! Practice and time yourself!
Your Reference page must have at least 3 sources in APA form
Your Audience Analysis Paper is due the same day as your speech
Your Self-Assessment is due after your speech for a bonus point
Attention Getter: Let me tell you a story about…
Relevance to Audience: You may not be aware of the fact that in South Florida alone….
Credibility: According to Dr. Saul Goodman of the Mayo Clinic Drug Research Institute, one out
of every …
Thesis: Supporting the movement to legalize medical marijuana in Florida will help provide
a safe and effective alternative to prescription medication for people who suffer from
legitimate medical problems.
Preview: Today I will explain the challenge we are facing, offer some solutions to the problem
and convince you that a brighter future is within our reach!
Need/Problem: (This body point must describe the scope of the problem you
are trying to solve. Use stories and examples from your research (for pathos)
along with detailed statistics, percentages, dollar figures or other data (for
ethos and logos). Don’t forget to say “According to for each source!)
E. etc…
Transition: Now that you better understand the problem, let’s look at how it can be
Satisfy the Need/Solution: (This body point must tell the audience the
solution to the need or problem above. State the basic solution and give
details on how or why it works. Again, use research to explain what experts
say about the solution use lots of data, statistics, $, %, stats, facts and stories
etc…from newspapers/magazines/books, blogs, government
reports/documents scholarly journals etc.). Don’t forget to cite in each this
section (“according to…”) for each source as you give your speech!
E. etc…
Transition: Now that you see how we can fix things, just imagine what your support can
Visualization (This body point should paint a word picture of the future. Tell
the audience how great the world will be if we accept your solution and “join
the cause” and/or tell the audience how bad things might get if we don’t adopt
your solution. Be creative and passionate – this is the true “sales pitch”
portion of your speech!
E, etc…
Summarize Main Points: Today I have outlined for you the problem of…..offered some
solutions to…and tried to convince you that the future can be brighter….
Restate Thesis: I hope we can all agree that…. and….
Call to Action: I encourage each of you to take action today and join the cause today by
Thank you for your time and attention to this important issue!
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