Expert answer:Legal Business

Expert answer:CASE: Heidi Birmingham and James T. Roberts have decided to create a business. They have financing available and have a well-developed business plan. However, they have not yet decided which type of legal business structure would be best for them....

Expert answer:Unit 5 Powerpoint

Solved by verified expert:Unit V PowerPoint Presentation OpenWeight: 10% of course gradeGrading RubricDue: Tuesday, 05/01/2018 11:59 PM (CST)InstructionsNegotiation Presentation ProjectFor the Unit V PowerPoint Presentation, you will design a presentation for an...

Expert answer:15-22 slide powerpoint

Solved by verified expert:attached is assignment details, disregard the portion about the video. you can do 3 bullet points per slides since we have so many to cover, you can also insert a graph or picture to consume a few slides. please provide plenty of footnotes....