Expert answer:Python Homework

Expert answer:Python HomeworkCreate a script called (where YN is your initials)Write a function countLetters that expects 2 input arguments: a sentence and a letter. The function will check the number of times the letter occurs in the sentence. The...

Expert answer:event reports based on the ACS event

Expert answer:Hi I would like someone to help me in finishing my event reports, I’ll attach the content which were presented in the event along with the event writing guidelines and template.There were 3 speakers at the event and the required is to write a one-...

Expert answer:IT Project Management

Expert answer:1. “What is Project Management” Please respond to the following:The VP of customer service has expressed concern over a project in which you’re involved. His specific concern is that if the project is implemented as planned, he’ll have to...

Expert answer:What is business process management

Solved by verified expert:In this writing assignment, you will explore how organizations use business process management (BPM). Write a onepage (250-word) paper explaining how organizations use business process management (BPM). Be sure to use at least one specific...