Expert answer:Creating a website by HTML 5

Solved by verified expert:I need help creating a website that contains my research. I have attached the instruction of my project and my research paper. I also have attached instruction of two case studies of HTML 5 that we did it before and it is just an example to...

Expert answer:Final Database Project with Reports

Solved by verified expert:This assignment reflects an accumulation of the individual assignments from Weeks One through Four, which included building tables and fields, relationships, forms, and queries, combined with the additional task of creating reports. Using the...

Expert answer:Data communication and networking

Expert answer:Compare and discuss the differences between hub, bridge, switch and router. Compare between RIP-Routing Information Protocol and Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) . Describe a cloud computing provider of your choice and explain the basic services...

Expert answer:Web Security Review Assigment

Solved by verified expert:Queston is attached. sp800_30_r1.pdf week_2_assignment_review__1_.doc Unformatted Attachment Preview NIST Special Publication 800-30 Revision 1 Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments JOINT TASK FORCE TRANSFORMATION INITIATIVE INFORMATION...

Expert answer:F to C

Expert answer:please use Eclipse Jee Oxygen and can you combine all the code to wordTOPICSGraphical User Interfaces (GUI)DESCRIPTIONCreate a Graphical User Interface (GUI-based) application that converts a temperature in Fahrenheit to Centigrade and vice verse. See...