Expert Answer :research paper about chinese prose

Solved by verified expert:Write a 10 pages research paper according to the proposal, if you have a better idea about argument you can revise it. Use the primary sources I provided which is the 5 texts from Zhuang zi. The initial instruction is to Develop and present...

Expert answer:Email to DR to upgrade the final grade

Expert answer:Hi.i need a help with good writing email to DR that can effect him to upgrade the final grade from C to B .the class is Accounting.short and easy to read for him.just underline that information that i need to replace to my information. Thank you.

Expert Answer :Class reflection and future goals

Solved by verified expert:Use the template provided to type your self-evaluation of the lesson that you taught. Expectations for this assignment include true reflective thought and the ability to generate ideas for future growth in the areas of planning and...