Solved by verified expert:Write 100-200words discussion. Please read the requirements very carefully. Make sure your answer fits the requirements at all. Thank you!

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Note : In this and future discussion board posts, you may want or need to cite some outside sources in order
to develop your response. Remember that proper citation practice includes knowing the best ways to quote
and paraphrase your sources. To avoid improper citations and possible plagiarism, check out the links in the
Writing Help Center to aid you in distinguishing between proper and improper use of source materials.
Skim the contents of a popular diet website or diet book advocating the Paleodiet.
Answer the following questions:
1. What “scientific” assertions do they make?
2. Based on the TED talk and other readings, how accurate are these assertions?
3. Why do you think the Paleodiet fad is so appealing?
To receive the full 15 points for your original discussion post, you must adhere to the following guidelines:
no more than 200

Discussion posts must be 100-200 words and be written in complete sentences and use correct grammar (i.e.
no abbreviations or emoticons allowed) [2 pts].
Have an interesting or provocative title (so that other students will want to read your post and respond) [1
Appear in a new thread in response to the original discussion question posed to the class. [1 pt].
Address all parts of the original question posed [11 pts].

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