Solved by verified expert:Answer the questions of meteorology. First part, write 3-4 sentence answers, and second part define with 1-2 sentences
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Short answer questions: (be able to write 3-4 sentence answers or work problems)
What is the difference between meteorology and climatology?
Explain the 4 Earth “spheres” and how each affects weather and climate.
Explain the basic composition of the atmosphere and percentages of the major gases as well as variable gases.
Be able to sketch the circle of illumination on diagrams showing the solstices and equinox conditions. Be able to label
correctly the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles, Equator and Poles. (see Lecture Earth Sun
Relationships, slides 9-16, or similar diagrams in the lab book).
Be able to determine noon sun angles such as problems on Lecture Earth Sun Relationships, slides 21-29, or similar
diagrams in the lab book.
What is the difference between temperature and heat?
Explain 3 methods of heat transfer.
Explain the Greenhouse effect. How does the type of radiation emitted by Earth and Sun related to the Greenhouse effect?
What are the main greenhouse gases and what are is their function? Describe the Earth’s climate if greenhouse gases were
not present.
Explain Earth’s radiation budget (Radiation lecture, slide 27).
Name 3 real world applications for temperature data (Controls on Temperature lecture).
Explain the 6 controls on temperature, give examples of each (Controls on Temperature lecture).
Name 4 reasons why water heat up and cools off more slowly than land.
Name 3 instruments used to measure temperature.
Explain the timing of typical daily high and low temperatures. Explain why these temperatures occur when the do.
How are heating / cooling degree days calculated?
How is the Celsius – Fahrenheit conversion made? (know the formulas and how to use them).
Name 4 causes of the Urban heat island effect.
Explain how % Relative humidity is calculated? How are the saturation mixing ratio and mixing ratio used to do this? How
does temperature generally affect saturation mixing ratio and thus %RH?
Why should you care about water in the atmosphere?
Name 4 mechanisms that lift air.
Be able to sketch a diagram like the one in Lecture: Moisture in the Atmosphere, slide 4. But not the exact numbers just the
processes involved and whether latent heat was absorbed or released.
Be able to describe how the sling psychrometer measures humidity.
Be able to identify the conditions of Stability, Instability, and Conditional Instability from diagrams like the ones on Lecture
Adiabatic Processes slides 7-10 or similar diagrams in the lab book.
Describe the main cloud families and types. Name 3 types of special clouds.
Explain the formation of 3 different types of fog.
Explain how cloud droplets grow large enough to fall back to Earth as precipitation in cold clouds and in warm clouds.
Name and describe 4 types of precipitation.
Explain 3 factors that determine wind speed and direction.
Explain the 4 stages of the index cycles (upper atmosphere winds) (Lecture:
Coriolis Force, Winds Aloft, and Wind Energy, slide 9)
Name some good general location for wind energy production.
Be able to sketch generalized wind and pressure belts like Lecture Atmospheric Circulation Slides 5-6.
Identify: (be able to define with 1-2 sentences)
Lake effect snow
The ideal gas law
Wien’s Law
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Sling psychrometer
Adiabatic cooling
Adiabatic warming
Environmental lapse rate
Dry adiabatic lapse rate
Wet adiabatic lapse rate
Condensation nuclei
Cloud seeding
Sea breeze
Pressure gradient force
Aneroid barometer
Coriolis effect
Hydrostatic equilibrium
Geostrophic wind
Hadley cell
Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
Katabatic winds
Santa Ana winds
Chinook winds
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