Solved by verified expert:File Type: Attach your assignment as a PDF (the essay should be page one, and the three citations should be page two within one PDF).Anonymous Grading: Do NOT type your name anywhere.Multiple Submissions: I will allow multiple submissions to account for such events as attaching the wrong file, accidentally submitting a blank entry, etc. I will grade the most recently submitted entry and ignore previous entries.Resubmissions: I do not allow resubmissions after a due date for the purpose of obtaining a higher score. If you want more points, consider completing the extra credit options.Late Submissions: Entries that are not submitted by the due date will immediately lose 10% of the possible grade. Submissions will lose another 10% each subsequent week an assignment is not submitted.apa format
Expert Answer :cheating
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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