Solved by verified expert:Select one of the following 2 options to assess your own eating habits (app/online or in-person assessment).App/Online Assessment: Choose one of the web site/ app programs below, and track your food intake for at least one week. Review the feedback about the status of your food intake and recommendations to improve your eating habits. Type a 1-page (550 word minimum) paper that includes the following: name of program/app; dates food was tracked; general summary of your eating behaviors and recommendations to improve them; what you learned by tracking your food intake; changes you will make as a result of the activity; your rating of the program/app (easy to use, likes/dislikes, etc); and how you would have participants use the program/app as part of a healthy eating program. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitness Pal – App) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by Calorie Count – App) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (MyPlate – App)
Expert Answer :Food log
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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