Solved by verified expert:Question:Scenarios in the case study address Course Outcomes:1. Use relevant vocabulary, including anatomical positions, to describe human anatomy and physiology and the role of homeostasis and metabolism in the normal functioning of organ systems.2. Apply knowledge of the chemical basis of life and biological processes to explain basic cell structure and function as it relates to the development of tissues and organs in anatomy and physiology.3. Use the scientific method to apply the principles of anatomy and physiology to form hypotheses and draw conclusions related to real-world problems about human systems. 4. Using quantitative reasoning, analyze and interpret vital signs and other diagnostic measurements to make decisions about health status.CASE STUDY REPORT – BIOL 164 General OutlineStudent is presented with a medical case study study report with 6 content area subheadings. Make sure you answer all the questions comprehensively. Use complete sentences.1. Diagnosis Name What is the name of the disease/disorder?2. Explanation What are the reasons for your diagnosis?|3. Causes/Risk Factors What are some of the factors that put this patient at risk for the disease? What other questions might you have for the patient that would provide you with more data? 4. Clinical Manifestation Describe the clinical features of the disease that are present in the individual.5. Diagnostic Procedures What types of procedures were done on the patient and what were the results? Are there other diagnostic procedures that you would like to have performed? If so, which ones and why?6. TreatmentDescribe the treatment plan that you would prescribe for this patient.Case: Ms. Johnson is a 61-year-old woman presenting today with a chief complaint of a hand tremor that has worsened over the past three years. The tremor occurs when she uses her hands for activities such as slicing vegetables, sewing, putting on her lipstick, or typing at her computer. Her handwriting has become messy and sprawling and very difficult to read. She has worked for 23 years as an executive assistant; as a result of her tremor and the associated difficulties, she is considering retirement. She notes that on the rare occasion that she consumes alcohol, the tremor is somewhat improved.Family history is positive for two grandparents who also “had the shakes” later in life. She assumes that they both had Parkinson’s disease and is afraid “that’s what’s wrong with me, too.”Medications include an antihypertensive, a statin, and an estrogen patch. Today her BP is 120/62. Height is 5’6”, weight 139 lbs. On physical examination, mental status, cranial nerves, sensation, muscle strength, tone, and deep tendon reflexes are all normal. There is a mild tremor bilaterally in both hands as she writes her name. No tremor at rest. There is no bradykinesia or rigidity noted. Voice is somewhat tremulous. There is a slight involuntary back-and-forth horizontal rotation of the head.Lab data, including lipids, TSH and FBS are all within normal limits.What is your diagnosis and how would you proceed?
Expert Answer :how should i answer this diagnosis?
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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