Solved by verified expert:Country: PakistanWrite a paper and present your study of globalization of a particular nation-state or region by providing a historic context (since c. 1900 to today). Choose a country or region and refer to the theoretical lens you are going to study the phenomenon. Tell the story as if you were looking to solve a mystery: What is the question you want to find an answer to? Why does knowing this story matter for us?Describe the pro’s and con’s of globalization in this country / region especially in the years since WWII, and demonstrate critical thinking how the country / region has been impacted by globalization; e.g. What transnational/international organizations/companies have had a presence in the local economy; global companies’ impact on local economies & stability or fragility of the society; consequences of globalization on the ecology and conditions/standard of living, etc.You need to conclude with a particular point of view: What is your opinion about the globalization phenomenon? E.g. What kinds of principles do you want to adhere to as you participate in globalization / the global economy / international business / travel as a global citizen, etc.? Pay attention to these points:What are you curious about (about this country)?What question do you want to answer to?Provide reasons: Why does this country matter in the global context? Why should we learn about it?Give a historic context from around 1900’s (or earlier later if it makes sense)How has it been impacted by globalization?Has it been a driver of globalization — or not?The economic/cultural/societal/political impacts of globalization there?What are the political alliances and division that have affected it and its relations to the world?What is your personal, well-reasoned, opinion about the state of globalization in that country and in general?

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