Solved by verified expert:For your first essay assignment I want you to find an article, editorial, or other extended, written argument with evidence. Then, I want you to write a five page essay where you summarize the main points and evidence given by the author and then either explain why you are in agreement with the author with some of your own insights; you disagree with the author and why you disagree and share your reasoning; or explain why you agree with some points but not with others and explain. In any case, I would like you to write a rebuttal argument reiterating the original argument in your own words if you agree with its reasoning; or a counter argument and answer to the author if you disagree in whole or in part. The essay must be typed, double spaced, with a twelve point font and one inch margins.
Expert Answer :Rebuttal Essay
by writersseek | Feb 4, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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