Solved by verified expert:What is in a data set?Identify three uses for a frequency distribution. Please provide realistic health related examples.Briefly identify the differences between a normal, positive and negative skew. How does this skew or distribution curve relate to standard error? What does the standard error mean for the results? Feel free to use and example to explain your answer.ReferencesAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Statistical language: Measures of central tendency. Retrieved from, A., Netuveli, G., & Sheikh, A. (2004). Chapter 2: Description of a single variable. In Basic skills in statistics: A guide for healthcare professionals (pp.15-26). London, GBR: Class Publishing. eISBN: 9781859591291.McGraw Hill Education. (2016). Chapter 2: Describing data: Frequency distributions and graphic presentation. Retrieved from, G. R., & Streiner, D. L. (2014). Section the first: The nature of data and statistics: Chapter 2: Looking at the data, Chapter 3: Describing data with numbers, Chapter 4: The normal distribution. In Biostatistics: The bare essentials [4th ed., e-Book]. Shelton, Connecticut: PMPH-USA, Ltd. eISBN-13: 978-1-60795-279-4. Available in the Trident Online Library EBSCO eBook Collection.Stattrek. (2016). What is normal distribution? Accessed from Readings and Resources (Optional)
Expert Answer :Statistics- What is in a data set?
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Mathematics | 0 comments
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