Solved by verified expert:3 pages double space new time romansAssume your Case summary will be read by the CEO and Board of Directors. Be professional.Be clear and concise. However, be specific enough to demonstrate what you know. You will receive a much better grade for thorough research, original thoughts and ideas, and well supported recommendations. You will receive a very low grade for lack of research and unsupported recommendations. Do not repeat facts given in the case. Written analysisDiscuss the challenges and/or important factors facing the companyShow evidence that you performed research on relevant topics (industry, company, product, country, market, competition, etc…) and understand the current situation (the cases are several years old) Discuss two (2) possible alternatives to “solve” the problemRecommend a specific course of action and provide a convincing explanation as to why your actions will lead to success for the company (vague & general reasons will not convince me)Do NOT merely repeat facts stated in the case. Demonstrate your critical thinking ability.Financial analysisUse the knowledge and quantitative skills you acquired in your accounting, finance, economics, statistics, etc… coursesUse data and information to analyze the situation and support your recommendationsUse charts, graphs, tables, etc… to explain the situation and help others to understand your recommendations 1. Evaluate Walmart’s international strategy over the past 27+ years (1991 – March 2018). Where did Walmart do well? Why? Where did it struggle? Why? Did Walmart’s competitive advantages (pricing, supply chain, logistics, and product variety) in the US help them succeed in foreign markets? Why or why not? 2-3 paragraphs 2. Walmart used several different entry modes (acquisition, joint venture, greenfield) to enter foreign markets. Which entry modes were the most successful? Explain why? Explain how the characteristics of each foreign market drove their mode of entry decision? 2-3 paragraphs 3. In 2011, Walmart entered the African market by acquiring a controlling (51%) interest in Massmart. Based on your analysis of Walmart’s global expansion performance up to today (March 2018) and your research on the African retail market, present your recommendations on what Walmart should do to be successful in Africa. (Use a Five year timeframe : 2018 – 2022) Provide compelling support for your recommendations. Also, please consider Ghemawat’s CAGE Distance Framework (remember the HBR “Distance still matters ” article you read earlier in the semester — if not, make sure you review it) when you are analyze the case. (You should devote over 90% of your case analysis to answering this question.) the rest of paper should focus on this part case study will be attached when you hire
Expert Answer :walmart entring africa
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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