Solved by verified expert:REQUIREMENTS:You will be writing a report on Canada and its culture. Below are the design/grammatical requirementsFORMAT The report should be 4-6 pages in length (not including works cited or title page), double-spaced, numbered, with one-inch margins and 12-point font saved as a Microsoft Word. Follow MLA format for in-text citation and a Works Cited page. Make clear and accurate use of source material, and cite all source material, whether the material is quoted, paraphrased or summarized. Please refer to the attached Word Document for details on the Content of the Essay.* Work must be original. No plagiarism.

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You will be writing a report on Canada and its culture. Below are the
design/grammatical requirements

The report should be 4-6 pages in length (not including works cited or title
page), double-spaced, numbered, with one-inch margins and 12-point font
saved as a Microsoft Word.
Follow MLA format for in-text citation and a Works Cited page.
Make clear and accurate use of source material, and cite all source material,
whether the material is quoted, paraphrased or summarized.
References MUST accompany statements of fact. This is an academic paper,
and you are expected to use your own words to reflect on your research.
Introduction (1 paragraph)
• Begin with an attention grabber and end the paragraph with your thesis
Include the following 7 subheadings (should be 1-3 paragraphs depending
on required information, detail and relevance to your thesis):
1. History of the Culture
• Describe general history of the country (political, geographical,
cultural…etc.). This should be concise, relevant, and precise.
2. Uniqueness of the Culture
• What makes this culture different?
• How are they different than their neighbors?
• Does geography, climate, and/or political conditions influence this
• What did you find most unique about the culture?
3. Common Foods Used by the Culture
• Discuss ingredients and Common Foods.
• Discuss national dishes, foods eaten during national holidays,
celebrations, etc.

TIP: Cookbooks from specific cultures are wonderful resources for this
4. Meal Patterns and Etiquette
• Discuss general daily meal patterns. For example, how often and when do
they typically eat? What are some common food items for breakfast,
lunch, dinner…etc.? Is snacking common?
• Discuss the role of food and etiquette in your society. For example, table
matters and importance of family.
5. Major Religions of the Culture
• Discuss basic religion demographics and statistics. Make mention of all
religions practiced.
• Choose one of the religions and discuss how food is used as: symbols of
the religions, how the food is used in ceremonies, and how is food used by
the culture during religious events.
6. Health Beliefs
• Discuss how your culture uses foods, herbs or supplements in healing.
• Discuss how the food or herb is used and give 2 examples and their uses.
7. History and Cultural Challenges in the United States
• Discuss current demographics and socioeconomic status of your assigned
cultural group in the United States.
• Describe the cultural challenges and some of the problems your assigned
culture has in the US.
Conclusion(s) About the Culture (1 paragraph)
• Please write a concluding paragraph about the culture. This should
highlight and summarize the major conclusions in your paper.
Works Cited/References (Use valid references and correct in-text
Use a minimum of:
1. (2) Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (These must be from journals
that are peer-reviewed and relevant to the culture)
2. (2) Book references (One of these can be a cookbook)
3. (1) Valid Internet source
• Cite information under each section.
• You may use interviews, lectures, more than the above references, &
personal experiences in addition to the requirements above-but they
must be properly referenced.
• Be consistent in your referencing of facts. Use MLA format for your
Spelling and Grammar: (5 points)
• Spelling, grammar, timeliness, proper use of references, completeness in
the above relative contents and subject matter are grade considerations.
Required Format for Essay
Title of Your Essay Goes Here
Then, include the following 7 subheadings:
History of the Culture
Uniqueness of the Culture
Common Foods Used by the Culture
Meal Patterns and Etiquette
Major Religions of the Culture
Health Beliefs
History and Cultural Challenges in the United States
End with your conclusion (no subheading required here).
Works Cited Page (MLA format)
** Note: NO PLAGIARISM. Work must be original.

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