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Soc101| Sociological Reflection Paper 1
Due: Monday April 30th, 2018.
4-6 pages | Double Spaced, 12-point font
15 points
In this unit, we address class inequality as more than a matter of money in the bank.
Rather, class has material, symbolic, and relational attributes that work together to mark one’s
place in a structural hierarchy. Using the materials from this unit (textbook, articles, games)
describe the nature of economic inequality from a sociologist’s point of view. How do
sociologists understand inequality in the world? How do macro-level systems influence microlevel life-chances? How do both materials (economic power, income, wealth), and symbols
(ideologies, American myths) work together to perpetuate inequality? What can be done to
reduce inequality in the United States?
Reflect on your experiences playing Spent and Life Happens. Describe the roles that
structure and the agency played when making choices that affected your virtual life. How did
macro-level phenomena influence your individual life chances in those games? What changes
would have to occur for your life chances to be different in these games?
Finally, talk to someone about his or her class status. What class are they, and how can
they tell? How do they explain how they attained this class status and how might they change
in the future? Use your sociological imagination to think deeply, and analyze your interview.
How do their answers illuminate or challenge the works that we have read in this unit?
Be sure to use examples from the materials to support your arguments. Be very careful
to avoid plagiarism by citing appropriately. You will submit your paper via Blackboard. Please,
come to me with any questions you may have.
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