Expert answer:Assignment InstructionsAssignment #4 Instructions:Before completing this Project -Assignment #4, please review Assignments #1, #2, & #3 and the OPT Template (attached). Using this information, you will design a cumulative 3-6 month training program utilizing the OPT Model and the three different levels of training- Stabilization, Strength, and Power.You will also include a general periodization plan for the remaining 6-9 months totaling 1 year. Please use the previous programs (Assignments 1, 2, & 3) you have developed and your newly developed OPT Power Phase program, along with your rationales to develop an adjusted and comprehensive yearly training program. Remember, you will continue to use the same client that you started with in the first assignment and following the guidelines provided by NASM.DO NOT simply cut and paste from your previous assignments; please synthesize each of them into this one, final project, making changes as necessary. Hopefully you got some ideas as we progressed in the course that you can integrate into the plan.OPT Power Phase 5 must be created first and then incorporated into the final project. Clearly point out within your final project your inclusion of the OPT Phase 5 completed Template and Narrative.OPT Power Phase 5: Based on the goals of your client you will design a program using OPT Power Phase 5 and incorporate it into your client’s Annual OPT Training plan and your final project. For this phase you are responsible for providing the following information regarding your client’s NASM OPT Power Phase 5 program:OPT Program Power Phase 5 Including: Cardiorespiratory training protocols, SMR & Flexibility training protocols, Core & Balance training protocols, Reactive training protocols, Speed Agility Quickness (SAQ) training protocols, and Resistance training protocols. Performance Assessment information (or performance assessment data collected) with rationale about how this information will inform your program designNarrative discussing why you chose specific training protocols for your client and how your choices will help your client reach his/her training goals.Completed OPT Template(s) (Refer to Chapter 10 of your text book)3-6 month NASM OPT training program Final Project must include:Title PageIntroductionBackground information of your clientAll Assessments (Fitness, Postural, Movement, Performance Assessments, plus Cardiovascular & Strength) * Can be submitted as separate documents, label accordingly.A 1 year periodzation plan (see attached NSAM OPT Fitness Annual Program Design.pdf)3 OPT Templates filled in for 3-5 phases – each phase can last 1 to 2 months All acute variables filled in * Can be submitted as separate documents, label accordingly.Narrative: Detailed rationales for each phase of training (explain and support what you have chosen and why) appropriate rationale for each phase Including: Cardiorespiratory training protocols, SMR & Flexibility training protocols, Core & Balance training protocols, Reactive training protocols, Speed Agility Quickness (SAQ) training protocols, and Resistance training protocols. Detailed rationales for decisions regarding 1 year periodization plan. ConclusionReference pageAll of the above information must be relevant and woven together with the client’s performance goals to build upon and develop a client specific exercise program. Please express sufficient detail in your program covering all acute variables such as Intensity or Weight (using Rep maximum data), Sets, Reps, Tempo, and Rest.Please submit your assignment using a combination of narrative & any charts/graphs that you think are appropriate (see attachments). Be sure to provide a detailed (and appropriately referenced) rationale for why you have chosen each one of your exercises (based on the items from the Fitness Assessment from Assignment #1 & Program progression from Assignments #2 & #3).FormatThe narrative of your paper should be at least 8-10 pages. Any charts or tables you add will add to this. Using charts and tables will help to provide visual guidance as to your client’s health status and your thought process. Please support your rationale for using any and all of your assessments with appropriate academic sources (minimum of 5 + textbook = Minimum 6 References).The writing component must meet all rules of APA formatting (6th edition) and MUST be submitted in WORD document format only.title pageheaderspage numbersin-text citationsreference list




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NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training
Annual Program Design Plan
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 5:
Revised: April 2007
Coaching Tip
Coaching Tip
Coaching Tip
Coaching Tip
Coaching Tip
Coaching Tips:
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Phase I Stabilization Program
Phase I Stabilization Program
Shane Czesak
American Military University
Exercise Program and Testing
Professor Robin Moore
Phase I Stabilization Program
OPT Phase I Stabilization program
Trainers must be competent in designing and executing a physical training program for
their clients. A planned physical training program would ideally follow the guidelines provided
by NASM for OPT training to identify the client’s training needs and recommend specific
exercises that would be appropriate for achieving the client’s goals for training. This plan
develops a personalized program for the client based on the test results of their fitness
assessment, training goals, strengths and weaknesses, and daily lifestyle habits.
Client Background
The client Rob Rich, is a middle-aged adult male that has suffered previous health
complications related to cardiovascular system. The lifestyle characteristics of the client are a
sedentary lifestyle caused by office work environment with limited time for exercise. The client
requires physical exercise training to achieve optimum health condition and recover from a weak
and inefficient heart rate with high risk of cardiovascular illness and heart attack. The client
assessment shows that the client has a high resting heart rate and lower-than-optimum
cardiovascular output and heart rate during physical activity.
Stabilization training for the client will aim at the main goals of correcting muscle
imbalances caused by sedentary lifestyle to improve posture and stabilization of the core
functionality of vital body organs to improve the clients overall health conditions. Other training
objectives are improving cardiovascular and neuromuscular efficiency and coordination for
performing demanding activities, preparing muscular and skeletal structure for upcoming
demands for physical training, facilitating strength adaptations that are specific to certain
Phase I Stabilization Program
strength adaptations, and beginner training necessary for establishing proper exercise techniques
and movement patterns.
These objectives for stabilization training require low-intensity training programs with
high-repetitive movements that emphasize on core and joint stability, posture and balance as
opposed to increased strength of arms and legs. Endurance and stabilization training for muscles
and ligaments requires high-repetitive exercise movements with little or no rest between sets.
Exercise sessions will take a short duration and will incorporate sets with 12 to 20 repetitions and
weight intensity of 50 to 70 percent of one repetition maximum (1RM) that are recommended for
improving muscular endurance and stabilization for beginners. Progression of challenging
exercise will focus on stability as opposed to hypertrophy of muscles and maximal strength of
muscular-skeletal structure. The training program will gradually increase the stability demands
of the exercise for balance and posture adaptation with 10 to 15 reps at light weights and
intensity of 30 to 45 percent 1RM as opposed to heavier weights used for strength and power
Phase I Stabilization Program
Phase I Stabilization program will incorporate training exercise protocols that aim to
achieve optimal results for stability, metabolism and body posture. The program will guide the
client through progressive stages of exercise intensity, volume and frequency to achieve health
fitness and body posture goals. Cardiorespiratory training protocols seek to improve the ability of
the respiratory and circulatory systems of the body to supply blood and oxygen to muscles
especially when performing sustained or intensive physical activity. The exercises in this group
will also help the client to improve performance of physical activities by reducing fatigue,
reducing mental anxiety and assist in improving metabolism and weight management.
Phase I Stabilization Program
Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) and flexibility training aim at enhancing the extensibility
of soft tissue in joints to allow a larger range of joint movement. Flexibility training also
increases extensibility of muscles and ligaments, increases the dynamic range of motion, and
enhances neuromuscular efficiency in stabilizing the kinetic chain of movement in the three
planes of motion. This would have the benefit of correcting postural distortion caused by muscle
tension imbalances and increase relative flexibility of joints to reduce resistance to functional
movement patterns. Core & Balance training protocols … unstable environment with different leg
postures such as two-leg and single-leg, or staggered stance exercise posture … movement of
progressive sets from a stable to an unstable environment on a foam pad or stability ball. A more
unstable exercise environment would produce more superior results for goal stabilization and
targeting core stabilization muscles and ligaments.
Reactive or plyometric training protocols utilizes explosive and rapid movements to train
the body to react quickly and muscles to produce force at greater velocity. The exercises train the
brain to quickly recruit muscles for rapid movement and muscles to release their power to make
quick moves. The client would gain fro these exercises the ability to exert maximum force in
aminimal amount of time for everyday activities and sports. The exercise enhances the sensitivity
and reactivity of the neuromuscular system to improve motor unit recruitment and
synchronization, and force production. Speed Agility Quickness (SAQ) training protocols are
similar to plyometric training exercises and aims at training the body to change position and
make movements with the maximum rate of force production in the intended direction or plane
of motion. The training enables the client to learn how to dynamically accelerate, decelerate and
stabilize quick body movements while maintaining appropriate posture
Phase I Stabilization Program
Resistance training protocols aim at training the client for strength endurance and
stability in exerting stress and load to performing body movements. This training incorporates
low or moderate intensity for increased cross-sectional area of muscle being targeted, increased
metabolism, and improved profile of blood lipid serum especially for improving cholesterol and
NASM OPT Chart for the Training Program
Providing a chart representation of the training program following the NASM OPT
format will enable visual representation guidance for the client concerning the trainer’s
intentions for the training protocols and overall program. The table will detail the number of sets
and reps for each exercise, tempo, rest, and pertinent coaching tips and instructions. The regime
will be implemented in four-week phases with two sessions per week, each lasting 45 to 60
minutes. The completed OPT Template for the training program is shown below.
Phase I Stabilization Program
Phase I Stabilization Program
Reference List
Behm, D.G. and Chaouachi, A. 2011. A review of the acute effects of static and dynamic
stretching on performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(11), 26332651.
Clark, Micheal A., Lucett, Scott and Corn, Rodney J., 2008, NASM Essentials of Personal
Fitness Training. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, National Academy of Sports Medicine
Clark, M.A. and Lucett, S.C. (Eds.) 2015, “NASM Essentials of Sports Performance”, Flexibility
Training for Performance Enhancement, pp. 133-166, Burlington, MA: Jones and
Bartlett Learning.
OPT Strength Training Program Design
OPT Strength Training Program Design
Phases 2, 3 and 4 of the NASM-OPT guidelines for physical training programs is the
second level of the recommended program structure after Phase 1 stabilization level training and
preceding Phase 5 level of power training. Phases 2, 3 and 4 recommend exercises with a higher
volume of training and weight for maximum expenditure of calories, growth in muscle size and
strength and increased bone mineral density. These phases also increase the demands on
cardiorespiratory, ATP-PC and glycolytic and oxidative energy systems as well as induce
cellular changes in muscles. The strength training phases 2, 3 & 4 build upon each other and the
trainer should progress the client to the next phases 3 and 4 only if they meet the performance,
posture and strength criteria to progress taking into consideration the provided timeline.
The client is a middle aged man, Rob Rich, with heart problems and is out of shape being
overweight and having incorrect posture. The main objectives for Phase 2, 3 and 4 training
would be weight loss as well as body building of muscles as well as gaining maximal strength in
preparation for higher demands of Phase 5 power training. The training would also incorporate
corrective training for correcting wrong posture from extended periods of sitting, repetitive work
movement patterns and mental stress. Mental stress has caused elevated blood pressure, heart
rate and ventilation at rest. The clients medical history of heart problems requires gradual
progression to subsequent stages and sufficient accomplishment of performance in lower stages
before taking on higher physical demands on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Careful
performance assessments at each stage would be necessary to determine clients readiness for
progression to higher phases.
Phase 2 Strength Endurance Training
Strength endurance training utilizes a form of hybrid training for increased stability,
endurance, muscle hypertrophy and strength. This phase recommends superset techniques
performed in a stable environment followed up with stabilization exercises targeting similar
biomechanical motions in an unstable environment. Progression of acute variables within this
phase is achieved by increasing the proprioceptive demand on the body by increasing the volume
and intensity in the number of sets and reps while decreasing the rest period. Exercises should be
done with light to medium weight loads of 30 to 45 percent 1RM and with speed depending on
the size of the muscles being targeted. This phase would ideally last 4 – 6 weeks.
The program in this phase would focus on cardiorespiratory endurance training protocol
and muscle and joint resistance that is necessary for the next Phase 3 of training requiring
heavier weights. SMR & Flexibility training protocols in this phase would aim at enhancing
corrective, active and functional flexibility for increased weight bearing capacity of muscles,
ligaments and tendons, and joints. The exercises would focus on static stretching that passively
applies tension to a muscle and holds the stretched position for longer rep durations. Core &
Balance training protocols would aim at increasing the frequency and synchronization of motor
unit recruitment. Cardiorespiratory training protocols would aim to enhance peripheral heart
action and fitness of other biometric measures of metabolic systems.
Cardiorespiratory assessment would focus on tests to estimate oxygen ventilation and
heart rate to determine a starting point for exercise weight and volume. To progress in this phase
and the next, the client will have to demonstrate sufficient strength to decelerate movement and
to dynamically stabilize themselves during application of force to lift heavier weights.
Performance assessment for this phase would focus on the client’s ability to control their
movement especially in the muscle contraction spectrum. This would assess posture and
movement in the three sagittal, frontal and transverse planes of motion. The assessment would
also look at how much weight the client can lift concentrically and how much weight the client
can stabilize isometrically when performing unstable exercises.
Phase 3 Hypertrophy Training
The Phase 3 muscle hypertrophy training specifically targets to promote the adaptation of
muscle for growth with a focus on muscle volume by forcing cellular changes that create an
overall increase in the size of muscles. The phase prescribes high-volume exercises with minimal
rest periods and faster progression of acute variables for clients with goals for increased lean
body mass and overall physical performance. The overall objective of this phase is to achieve
mechanical load and strain on specific muscle groups and frequent stimulation with progressive
increments of weights as muscles become resistant. SMR & Flexibility training protocols in this
phase would focus on active-isolated stretching moves in a range of positions with reciprocal
inhibition. Core & balance training protocols would utilize single sets of each exercise with
circuit training and horizontal loading for targeting particular body parts with different exercises
and longer rest periods to achieve muscle strain. The core exercises also aim for strategic
deconditioning with adequate rests that has been proven to enhance muscle hypertrophy. Core
workout exercises in this phase utilize heavier 85 to 100 percent 1RM loads and 5 to 10 reps for
2 to 3 sets and a high frequency of training of 3 to six times per week for each muscle group.
Assessment for this stage would examine anthropometrical measures such as
circumference measurement for limbs, thorax and waist, body fat measurement and body mass
index. Progression within this stage and to the next stage would consider whether the client has
reached the goals set for muscle growth, weight loss and body building. The assessment would
observe whether the client has gotten rid of subcutaneous fat, calculate body mass index and
waist to hip ratio of overweight and obesity condition, calculate fat mass and lean body mass
using circumference, and underwater measures and bioelectric impedance.
Phase 4 Maximal Strength Training
The fourth phase is maximal strength training and focuses on increasing muscularskeletal capacity to handle a heavy load. The exercises recommends heavy loads with minimal
rest between sets to promote maximum recruitment of additional motor units into physical
motion, improving the rate of force production and enhancing motor unit synchronization for
maximal strength to handle increased amounts of stress. This phase uses multiple sets of each
exercise with a split routine for body parts being targeted by the training. The overall objective
of this phase is to increase the rate of force being produced in movement by increasing the
number of active muscles and the speed at which they become exited. SMR & Flexibility
training protocols for this phase would aim for dynamic stretching with exercises that produce
force and momentum to move joints and muscles through full ranges of motion. Core and
balance training protocols and resistance training protocols aim at enhancing the neurorecruitment of the muscle and skeletal structure to make compound movements and muscular
endurance. The number of repetitions per set for exercises in this phase is reduced to between 1
and 5 lifting heavy weights that require maximum effort resulting in overall exhaustion as
opposed to muscle strain. Explosive lifts and fast reps would create increased overall strength of
body parts with adequately longer rest periods are recommended to ensure recovery as the
weight used increases.
Proper progression through preceding stages of the OPT program will enable the trainer
to quickly increase the volume and intensity of exercises. The phase would ideally last 4 weeks
upon which after a performance assessment, the client would either progress to phases 4 or 5, or
cycle back to phases 1 and 2 to adequately prepare for the significantly higher stress demands of
the next phases. Tests for assessing the client performance achievements in strength training
include tests during exercises such as the bench press, squat and pushup tests, left test, Davies
test and shark kill test. Others are pulling, pushing and gait assessment, and overhead squat
assessment for dynamic posture, movement dysfunction and muscle imbalances with heavyintensity loads.
Clark, Micheal A., Lucett, Scott and Corn, Rodney J., 2008, NASM Essentials of Personal
Fitness Training. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, National Academy of Sports Medicine
Behm, D.G. and Chaouachi, A. 2011. A review of the acute effects of static and dynamic
stretching on performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(11), 26332651.
Clark, M.A. and Lucett, S.C. (Eds.) 2015, “NASM Essentials of Sports Performance”, Flexibility
Training for Performance Enhancement, pp. 133-166, Burlington, MA: Jones and
Bartlett Learning.

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