Solved by verified expert:I have a access assignment due this Friday if anyone could help me complete this It would be greatly appreciated the instructions are with the assignment if you can complete by tomorrow. Thank You!!!
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Prepared Exam—Application
Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2016
Access Chapters 1–4
Instructor Name: ____________________________________
Course Information: _________________________________
1. Start Access 2016. Open the data file acc_exam_Recreation. Using your own name, save the
file as LastFirst_acc_exam
2. Open the Coaches table in Design view and change the Field Size of the LastName and
FirstName fields to 25 Change the Field Size of the Phone field to 12. Add a new record
using your last and first names and the phone number 847-555-1111 Close the Coaches table.
3. Open the Sports table and delete the record for Tennis. Add the following CoachIDs for each
SportID CoachID
4. Open the Sessions table in Design view. Set SessionID as the primary key, change the
SportID and CoachID data type to Number, and change the StartDate and EndDate data type
to Date/Time. Add a new field named Participants with the Number data type and a new field
named Fee with a Currency data type. Save and close the Sessions table.
5. Import the Excel data file acc_exam_Sessions and append the records to the existing Sessions
6. Create a one-to-many relationship between the CoachID fields in the Coaches and Sports
tables, and a one-to-many relationship between the SportID fields in the Sports and Sessions
tables. Enforce referential integrity for both relationships.
7. Create a query in Query Design view with the Sessions and Sports tables. Add the SessionID,
StartDate, EndDate, Sport, and Participants fields. Add criteria to display the sessions with
30 participants or more. Save the query as 30 or More Participants Query
8. Create a query in Design view with all three tables and add the following fields in this order:
SessionID, Sport, LastName, StartDate, EndDate, Participants, and Fee. Create a calculated
field named TotalFees that multiplies the number of Participants by the Fee. Save the query
as Sessions Report Query
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9. Create a form using the Form Tool and the Sessions table. Resize all of the field widths to 2”.
Change the theme of the form only to Facet. Change the title of the form to Summer Sports
Sessions Add conditional formatting to the Participants field to display with a Fill Color of
Purple 4 if the number of Participants is greater than or equal to 30. Save the form with the
name Sessions Form
10. Create a report using the Report Tool based on the query Sessions Report Query. In Layout
view, resize all of the fields so that the report fits on one page. Delete the total for the Fee
column. Sort and group the report on the Sport field. Add a total for the Total Fees column.
Resize all of the totals to display correctly and format all totals and the grand total as
Currency. Delete the page number control. Edit the report title to remove the word Query.
Save the report as Sessions Report
11. Close all open windows and close Access. Submit your file as directed by your instructor.
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