Solved by verified expert:hello i have accounting info system assignment please follow the steps to complete the requirement and also follow the policiesi posted to word files one of them for the assignment and other one for policies for the assignment
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ACC 351: Accounting Information Systems
Instructor: Dr. M. Walters
Supplemental Prep Assignment. This assignment requires students to complete training/research for
a selected course topic. Required Submission: Each student will be required to submit a write-up of
work completed. Write-ups must be properly prepared, formatted, and submitted in accordance with
instructions in the “Assignment Policies” documents posted on Blackboard. Write-ups must be
submitted to Blackboard before 10:00 AM on the submission deadline date indicated on the course
syllabus. Late, emailed, or hardcopy write-ups will NOT be accepted.
Synthesize an understanding of spreadsheet controls. MS Excel is available in selected computer labs
(see Blackboard). The following resources have been posted to Blackboard or are available online.
Blaustein, R. (2009, January 1). Eliminating Spreadsheet risks. IIA Online. Retrieved from
European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRig) (n.d.). Best Practice. EuSpRig. Retrieved
Excel 2016 Training (n.d.). Atomic Learning. Available from
Metz, L. R. (2007). Five Common Spreadsheet Risks and Ways to Control Them. IIA Online.
Retrieved from
Panko, R R. (2006). Recommended Practices for Spreadsheet Testing. Proceedings of EuSpRIG
2006 Conference, Cambridge, UK: European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRIG).
Note: Atomic Learning may be accessed via Blackboard (under the “Student Tools” button) or via the
website (, log on using Spartans Domain user ID and
password). Search for tutorials using the search box (search for “Excel 2016”) or drop-down menus.
Briefly respond to the following:
1. Spreadsheet Security. Review MS Excel/spreadsheet protection controls.
a. General Controls. Identify two general controls that may be used to protect spreadsheets.
Explain how the identified controls ensure spreadsheet security. Hint: Search for “spreadsheet
control best practices” or “spreadsheet security”.
b. Microsoft (MS) Excel Atomic Learning Tutorials (Auto Protection Controls). Complete the
Excel 2016: Protecting your Spreadsheets tutorials: A. Protecting Your Spreadsheet (required)
module tutorials. List the modules completed and provide a brief synopsis what you learned
within each module (Note: You do not have to provide a synopsis of each individual tutorial
video within each module).
c. Why do you think most spreadsheets exclude such controls? Discuss
2. Spreadsheet Integrity. Review MS Excel/spreadsheet integrity controls.
a. Application Controls. Identify two application controls used to ensure spreadsheet integrity.
Explain how the identified controls ensure spreadsheet data integrity. Hint: Search for
“spreadsheet integrity controls”.
b. MS Excel Atomic Learning Tutorials (Auto Validation Controls). Complete the Excel 2016:
Evaluating Data tutorials: B. Data Validation (required) module tutorials. List the modules
Walters ACC 351 Supp Prep Assignment 1
completed and provide a synopsis what you learned within each module (Note: You do not
have to provide a synopsis of each individual tutorial video within each module).
c. Why do you think most spreadsheets exclude such controls? Discuss.
3. Spreadsheet Testing. Review MS Excel/spreadsheet testing procedures.
a. Testing Procedures. Identify and explain two testing procedures that may be used to assess
spreadsheet integrity. Explain how the identified controls ensure spreadsheet data
integrity/security. Hint: Search for “spreadsheet testing” or “spreadsheet testing tools”.
b. MS Excel Atomic Learning Tutorials (Auto Testing Tools). Review automated testing
functions such those integrated into MS Excel by completing Atomic Learning tutorials.
Complete the Excel 2016: Frequently Used Formulas & Functions Training tutorials: D.
Auditing and Error Checking (required) module tutorials. List the modules completed and
provide a brief synopsis what you learned within each module (Note: You do not have to
provide a synopsis of each individual tutorial video within each module).
c. Why do you think most users fail to test their spreadsheets? Discuss.
4. Spreadsheet Compliance. Explain why spreadsheet control represents a significant SarbanesOxley compliance concern for organizations. Hint: Search for “spreadsheets and compliance” or
“spreadsheets and Sarbanes Oxley.”
Walters ACC 351 Supp Prep Assignment 2
ACC 351: Accounting Information Systems
Instructor: Dr. M. Walters
This document provides instructions/requirements for preparing/submitting course assignments.
Review this document carefully before attempting course assignments. Failure to prepare assignments
in accordance with stipulated requirements will result in point penalties.
All required assignments will be posted to Blackboard under the “Assignments” button. To access a
particular assignment,
1. Access. Access Blackboard ( and log in (using your user ID and
password), click on the course link, then click the “Assignments” button.
2. Open. Click the link for the appropriate assignment folder (if necessary), then click the file link for
the assignment you wish to view. The file link will allow you to open/download the assignment
file. Note: PDF files will open automatically. MS Word files will download then ask you if you
would like to “open” the file. I recommend you open then save the assignment file to your
computer so that you may refer to it while working on the assignment.
All required assignments must be prepared according to the following requirements.
1. Assignment Responses. Read assignment requirements carefully to ensure responses are complete,
relevant, and demonstrate logical application of course concepts. Assignment submissions must
include ONLY appropriately labeled responses to stated requirements. Do NOT submit the
original assignment instructions/requirements with your responses.
2. Assignment Formatting. Assignment submissions must follow stipulated formatting, writing, and
referencing requirements.
a. File Format. Assignment files must be prepared as a single MS Word file (unless otherwise
instructed). Alternative document formats and/or multiple file submissions will NOT be
accepted (unless otherwise instructed).
b. File Name. Assignment files must possess an abbreviated file name that includes both an
abbreviated assignment designation and your/your team leader’s last name (e.g., “PA 1Walters”).
c. Cover Page. All assignment submissions must include a cover page that includes the course
designation (i.e., “ACC 351: Accounting Information Systems”), the assignment designation
(e.g., “PA 1”), your/each team member’s name (team leader’s name listed first on team
assignments), the current term (fall/spring year), and the times/days the class section meets.
d. Formatting. Assignment submissions must be properly formatted with one-inch margins,1 left
justification,2 Times New Roman 12-point font,3 single-spacing,4 section headings (as
appropriate), and proper pagination (with page numbers placed in the lower right-hand corner
of each page).5 MS Word formatting defaults are NOT necessarily consistent with these
requirements; you will need to change default formatting (see footnotes).
The MS Word default margins may be changed via the “Layout” tab under “Margins”.
Left justification is the MS Word default; justification may be changed via the “Home” tab under “Paragraph”.
The MS Word default font may be changed via the “Home” tab under “Font”.
The MS Word default line spacing may be changed via the “Home” tab under “Paragraph”; be sure to select 0
pt before/after (not Auto or 6, 8, or 10 pt before/after) and “single spacing” (not 1.5, double or multiple spacing)
Page numbers may be added and placed via the “Insert” tab under “Header & Footer”.
Walters Assign Prep/Sub Req 1
e. Organization. Assignment responses must be organized, numbered, and labeled consistent with
assignment requirements. If table templates are provided, table templates must be used to
organize responses to requirements.
f. Length. Assignment submissions must not exceed stipulated page lengths (including written
responses, supporting content, and references but excluding the cover page).
g. Writing Mechanics. Assignment responses requiring a text response (as opposed to a diagram,
spreadsheet, or table response) must be well written in prose form,6 communicate points
clearly, flow logically, use appropriate language/word choice, and follow proper English
spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Proofread and revise all work carefully before submitting.
h. Supporting Content. Assignment submissions may contain supporting diagrams, tables, or
other illustrations. Supporting content must be clear, relevant, professional, and visually
appealing. All supporting content must be integrated into MS Word to allow assignment
submission as a single MS Word file (unless otherwise instructed). Diagrams must be
constructed using MS Visio and copied into a MS Word file.
i. Citation/Referencing. Assignment submissions must include proper in-text citations and endof-text references. You must cite/reference ALL print and non-print sources that you rely on in
constructing responses to assignment requirements; this includes (but is not necessarily limited
to) class materials (e.g., lectures, notes, texts) and outside sources (e.g., online resources) used
to complete course assignments. Failure to provide proper citation/reference information
constitutes plagiarism even if you paraphrase. See the “Citation/Referencing Requirements”
document (posted on Blackboard) for guidance.
3. Assignment Questions. If you have questions on an assignment, you may email me or see me
during scheduled office hours. Please be prepared to ask specific questions. Note that, if the
assignment on which you seek help is a graded assignment (as opposed to a participation or
practice exercise), I will respond to specific concept or requirement clarification queries only. I
will NOT help you complete the assignment requirements nor will I “pre-grade” the assignment
prior to formal submission for credit. Please do NOT forward assignments to me and request
comments/corrections prior to the submission deadline.
Assignment files must be submitted according to the following requirements.
1. Submission Deadlines. Assignment files must be submitted to Blackboard BEFORE 10:00 AM
on the assignment due date indicated on the syllabus assignment schedule (or otherwise announced
in class). Late assignments will NOT be accepted resulting in zero credit.
2. Submission File Format. Assignment files must be submitted as a single MS Word file (unless
otherwise instructed). Alternative document formats and/or multiple file submissions will NOT be
accepted (unless otherwise instructed).
3. Team Submissions. Teams must submit a single assignment file for team-based assignments. The
team leader (or duly designated member of the team) must submit team-based assignment files.
Assignments submitted as multiple files by different team members will NOT be accepted.
Prose form refers to ordinary written language consisting of complete sentences, proper grammar, paragraph
structure, appropriate punctuation, and logical flow of ideas as commonly used in essays, letters, memos, stories,
and novels. Prose is distinguished from poetry or verse (which is characterized by rhyme, meter, and verse
structure) and bulleted/numbered/outlined lists (which are characterized by a series of disconnected ideas often
presented as sparsely worded descriptions or incomplete sentences). Note Re Bullet Points: Bulleted/numbered
points may be used to emphasize key details/points, but should not be used excessively.
Walters Assign Prep/Sub Req 2
4. Submit. Assignment files must be submitted to Blackboard via the correct assignment link.
Emailed or hardcopy assignments will NOT be accepted. To submit an assignment to Blackboard:
a. Access. Access Blackboard ( and log in (using your user ID and
password), click on the course link, then click the “Assignments” button.
b. Open. Click the link for the appropriate assignment folder (if necessary), then
click the assignment link (NOT the file link) for the assignment you wish to submit.
c. Attach. Scroll down to the area labeled “Attach Files” and click “Browse My Computer”. This
will bring up the file manager showing the list of files on your computer. Find the finalized
assignment document, select, and then click “open” (or “choose”). IF you have been instructed
to submit more than one file, you must attach additional file(s) BEFORE you click “submit”
(as Blackboard will not allow you to submit additional files once you have clicked “submit”).
d. Verify. Carefully verify that you are submitting the correct version of the assignment BEFORE
you attempt to submit.7 Check to ensure the correct file name(s) appear in the “Attached Files”
e. Submit. Once you have verified attached file(s), click “Submit”. You must click “Submit” NOT
“Save Draft” to submit your assignment.
f. Confirm. If the assignment was successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation
message. Assignments will show up as “!” in the Blackboard grade book until a score has been
Note: I will grade only what you submit to Blackboard via the appropriate assignment link. I will
NOT search for assignments on the team file exchange. I will NOT “clear” assignments so you can resubmit
even if you inadvertently submit the wrong file or neglect to attach the file. I will NOT accept resubmissions of
assignments (or parts of assignments) if you inadvertently submit incorrect, incomplete, or incompatible files.
As such, it is very important that you carefully verify assignment submissions BEFORE you click “submit”.
Walters Assign Prep/Sub Req 3
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