Solved by verified expert:i uploaded what my professor want and pictures for the reading and questions. please use simple and easy words only and as short as you can write. please please answer as simple as you can. don’t be serious about the questions. it could take less than 1 hour.


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ENG 114: Homework for Ch. 3
• Read “Mean Street Theater: An Awful Image for Black America” by John
McWhorter on pages 68-76 (passages in green boxes).
• Answer all questions in Practice 3.10 on p. 76, with additional modifications
listed here:
• For question 1: do not paraphrase major and minor claims.
However, you must copy them word for word into your
• For question 3: explain your answer (don’t just say “yes” or “no”) to
show why the evidence is or is not adequate. Also, explain whether
the evidence is strong or not and why you think that. Show some
examples, too.
• For question 4: refer to the author’s biography on page 66. You can
also Google him to find out more information.
• For questions 5 and 6: keep in mind that this article was originally
published in The Wall Street Journal. Look up some information
about this newspaper and find out who its typical audience is. Is
McWhorter’s article intended for this newspaper’s typical audience,
or is his target audience somewhat different?
• Type up your answers and turn them in at the beginning of the class on the
due date.
• [You can also find a short video of John McWhorter talking about hip-hop
here: ]

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