Solved by verified expert:book name is Popham, W. J. (2014). Classroom assessment: What teachers need to know (7th ed.) Pearson.The question: Should classroom or student assessment be tied to teacher evaluation or to salary? Why or Why Not?This information can help you to answer this question. I need 200 word at lest to answer. It is because they enjoy what they do that they waded through a medley ofpreservice teacher education courses, conquered the challenges of student teaching,and hopped the myriad hurdles of the certification process. Teachers overcamethese obstacles in order to earn annual salaries that, particularly during the first fewyears, are laughably low. Yes, there’s little doubt that teachers enjoy teaching.Although teachers like to teach, they rarely like to test. Yet, here you are—beginning a book about testing. How can I, the author, ever entice you, the reader,to become interested in testing when your heart has already been given to teaching?The answer is really quite straightforward. Teachers who can test well will bebetter teachers. Effective testing will enhance a teacher’s instructional effectiveness.Really!how their school or district stacked up in comparison to other schools or districtsin the state. Districts and schools were ranked from top to bottom.From a news perspective, the publishing of test results was a genuine coup.The test scores were inexpensive to obtain, and readers were really interested in thescores. Residents of low-ranked districts could complain; residents of high-rankeddistricts could crow. More importantly, because there are no other handy indices ofeducational effectiveness around, test results became the measuring-stick by whichcitizens reached conclusions about how well their schools were doing. There aremany reports of realtors trying to peddle homes to prospective buyers on the basisthat a house was located “in a school district with excellent test scores.”Let me be as clear as I can possibly be about this issue, because I think it is aterrifically important one. As matters stand, students’ performances on a state’s accountabilitytests are certain to influence the way that all teachers are evaluated—even if a particular teacher’s own students never come near an accountability test.Here’s how that will happen.Suppose you teach ninth-grade social studies, and your ninth-graders aren’trequired to take federally required accountability test. Suppose you’re a secondgradeteacher, and your students aren’t required to take any kind of accountabilitytest. Suppose you’re a high school teacher who teaches subjects and grade levelswhere no federally imposed accountability tests are required. In all these “suppose”situations, your students won’t be taking accountability exams. However,the public’s perception of your personal effectiveness will most certainly be influencedby the scores of your school’s students on any accountability tests that arerequired for such schools. Let’s be honest—Do you want to be a teacher in a “failing”school? Do you want your students’ parents to regard you as ineffective becauseyou do your teaching in what’s thought to be a sub-par school? I doubt it.The reality is that the performance of any school’s students on federally stipulatedaccountability tests will splash over on every teacher in that school. If youteach in a school that’s regarded as successful, then you will be seen as a memberof an effective educational team. The opposite is also true. Unless federal account-Today’s Reasons for Teachers to Know about Assessment■ Test results determine public perceptions of educational effectiveness.■ Students’ assessment performances are increasingly seen as part of theteacher evaluation process.■ As clarifiers of instructional intentions, assessment devices can improve instructionalquality.These reasons are also linked to decisions. For instance, when citizens usetest results to reach judgments about a school district’s effectiveness, those judgmentscan play a major role in determining what level of taxpayer support will beprovided in that district. There are also decisions on the line when students’ testscores are used as evidence to evaluate teachers. Such decisions as whether theteacher should be granted tenure or receive merit-pay awards are illustrative of thekinds of decisions that can ride, at least in part, on the results of educational assessments.In this first chapter, the emphasis was on why teachers really need to know aboutassessment. Early in the chapter, the assessment-related features of various reauthorizationsof the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 were brieflydescribed because this oft-revised federal law’s impact on most teachers’ instructionaland assessment decisions is becoming profound. Educational assessmentwas defined as a formal attempt to determine students’ status with respect to eduPearsonLearning Solutions Not For ResaleOrDistributioncational variables of interest. Much of the chapter was devoted to a considerationof why teachers must become knowledgeable regarding educational assessment.Based on teachers’ classroom activities, four traditional reasons were given forwhy teachers assess—namely, to (1) diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses,(2) monitor students’ progress, (3) assign grades, and (4) determine a teacher’sown instructional effectiveness. Based on recent uses of educational assessment results,The idea of “pay for performance,” which involves supplementing teacher pay or providing bonuses based on student test scores, is one of the latest educational fads to sweep the country.Research and experience, however, indicate that such schemes are more likely to damage our children’s education than to improve it. As one analyst notes, “test-based pay is more useful politically than it is effective educationally.”Performance pay will not improve teaching or learningResearch shows that the carrot of higher pay does not lead to better results. In an authoritative studyconducted at Vanderbilt University, for example, teachers who were offered bonuses for improving student test results produced no more improvement than the control group.Similar studies of teacher merit pay have shown null results in New York City and Chicago. Because of the lack of positive results, a number of pay for performance programs have been abandoned, including programs in New York City and California.Methods that use test scores to evaluate teachers, including the currently popular “value added” calculations, have also proved highly unreliable. The National Academy of Sciences and experts assembled by the Economic Policy Institute have warned of the potentially damaging consequences of implementing test-based evaluation systems or merit pay based on test scores. To evaluate teachers by considering the changes in their students’ test scores. As I explained in the book, and if we appreciate improvements in student performance, we must judge teachers through their students’ grades.
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