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Graded Assignment
ENG500A: AP English Language and Composition | Unit 2 | 2.1 Practice 3
Graded Assignment
Interrogate an Essay
Study Questions:
1. What is this piece about?
2. How is the piece structured?
3. How would you describe the language of the piece?
4. To whom is the piece addressed?
5. What effect does the piece have on the reader?
6. What is the purpose, or goal, of the piece?
7. Is the piece effective at its goal? Why?
Critical Reading Questions
1. Mitford begins the essay with Hamlet’s “Yorick” and then later brings in “Mr. Jones” who is
“reposing in the preparation room,” waiting to be embalmed. Why does the author use these
characters in the essay? Which other rhetorical technique could the author have used?
2. This essay is, in some ways, a process essay, describing how the funeral director has “revamped
the corpse to look like a living doll.” How does Mitford describe each process and what is her
treatment of each stage?
3. Mitford uses humor throughout the selection. Find some examples and explain how the humor
balances the grim nature of the topic.
4. Put the problem of the public’s sentimentality regarding death into your own words. Do you
believe that our culture still is overly sentimental about death or have they become more informed
and thus less vulnerable to predatory practices of the funeral industry?
Assignment Question:
Once you’ve answered the study and critical reading questions, look at how the critical reading questions are
structured. Ask yourself the following questions: What kinds of tasks do they ask you to perform? How do they get
you to look deeper at the text? What elements of the text do they ask you to analyze?
Now, reread the essay. As you read, use the critical reading questions as a model to create three of your own
questions. They should be analytical questions that can generate a substantial written response.
Pick the question you find the most interesting and write a one-page, single-spaced response. Be sure to
organize your thoughts clearly, present a thesis idea and supporting body paragraphs. Also, include specific
evidence from the Mitford text to support your argument.
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Graded Assignment
ENG500A: AP English Language and Composition | Unit 2 | 2.1 Practice 3
For this 25-point Assignment, submit your three original questions (worth 5 points) and your essay response
(worth 20).
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