Solved by verified expert:Working on my thesis, need help with this android app, it’s more time consuming than intense (please be familiar with android development).There are four screens, but there’s some issues.It’s a fitness app, and here’s the defects that need addressing:Defects need fixing:First, when you return to the setup page, I would expect that it should display the information you previously entered. Further I would expect the ability to change (update) that information to correct errors (let’s say I put my height in wrong on the first go – I don’t want to have to uninstall the app to fix that). Your code only does inserts.On your statistics page, you don’t have weekly weight loss average, and it looks like your body mass calculation isn’t working.Need camera to be functional, a button added to the weight entry screen for user to access camera and save picture with weight entry.Progress picture should be viewed in the history if the user clicks on an entry and be able to get deleted per entry.I have the dropbox link here:…
Expert answer:Bug/Error Fixes
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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