Solved by verified expert:The introduction to your project should be at least one paragraph and should introduce the readers to the topic that you have chosen and why you are interested in researching that topic. Include an introductory sentence that draws readers into the subject matter of paper.The conclusion should be at least one paragraph and should wrap up what was covered in the paper. just re-wrie the information below with 1 paragraph for the introduction 1 paragraph for the conclusionCasual sex or uncommitted sexual encounters are increasingly becoming more ingrained in today’s world. It broadens to encompass various aspects of life and relationships that portray an evolved sexual proclivity and changing social scripts. Cumulatively, these aspects explain the different notions of casual sex, its components and the leading causes encouraging the practice among individuals ( (McIlhaney Jr & Bush, 2008). Casual sex can be defined as an intimate engagement between persons who are not in a romantic relationship or rather, people with no strings attached. Arguably, sex materials indicate that casual sex has no emotional attachment among the parties involved for there is no commitment or fond familiarity between the couple (Woerner & Abbey, 2016). The main reasons that drive individuals into casual sex include; money desires as is the case with prostitution, exploration, and adventure as in the case of swinging partners or partner-swapping. Furthermore, casual sex may be practiced by persons who want to relieve themselves sexual urges, while others engage in it for pleasure, to recreate and for fun (Katz, Tirone, & Kloet, 2012). Sex education materials and resources include 1) Sex educators who are very resourceful persons in any society. They teach the general public with the help of social workers and health providers on how to practice safe sex to avoid and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 2) Online resources such as links to the centers for disease control and prevention give materials on sex education, especially those concerning the casual sex practices. 3) Other sources may include the darkness to light organization that focuses on reducing the occurrence of child abuse and sexual harassment through public awareness and sex education (Garcia, Reiber, Massey, & Merriwether, 2012).Furthermore, sex education materials for casual sex are readily accessible online from the internet in online journals, magazines, e-books, and websites. Moreover, the resources accommodate people from all age levels ranging from teenagers, adults, and sex. Sex education aims at teaching people on the importance and ways to practice safe sex. Especially, in this era of sexually transmitted infections such as the HIV/AIDS and STI’s; most of which are pandemics with no cure (Rudman, Glick, Marquardt, & Fettero, 2016). Nevertheless, sex educators need to use such platforms to explore more about sex life, the benefits and dangers to engage the public in broad and in-depth matters on the topic. Conclusively, casual sex is on the rise among all age-groups, a development that needs to be addressed through personal and social initiatives. Furthermore, educational material and resources are easily accessible over the internet. People should be keen on exploring the topic to understand the consequences and how they may implicate on one’s life. ReferenceGarcia, J. R., Reiber, C., Massey, S. G., & Merriwether, A. M. (2012, June 1). Sexual Hookup Culture: A Review. American Psychological Association, 161–176. Retrieved from, J., Tirone, V., & Kloet, E. V. (2012). Moving In and Hooking Up: Women’s and Men’s Casual Sexual Experiences During the First Two Months of College. Journal of Human Sexuality, 15, 245-5218, (585) 245-5235. Retrieved from Jr, J. S., & Bush, F. M. (2008). Hooked: New science on how casual sex is affecting our children. Moody Publishers.Rudman, L. A., Glick, P., Marquardt, T., & Fettero, J. C. (2016, December 19). When women are urged to have casual sex more than men are: perceived risk moderates the sexual advice double standard. Sex Roles, 77(5-6), 409-418. Retrieved from… Woerner, J., & Abbey, A. (2016). Positive feelings after casual sex: The role of gender and traditional gender-role beliefs. , 54(6),. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(6), 717-727. Retrieved from…