Solved by verified expert:Choose one of the options to write about and follow instructions for assignment.OPTION AConduct an inspection of a workplace for compliance with the means of egress requirements in 29 CFR 1910.36 and 1910.37, and prepare a report of your findings. You can use your current workplace or a local business or industry if you can get permission.Your report should contain the following items:1.a brief description of the workplace inspected2.a compliance checklist prepared for the specific workplace and the standards being evaluated3.noncompliance observed, including the full OSHA standard citations;4.recommended corrective actions5. A summary of overall compliance.The report should be a minimum of two pages in length (double-spaced), including the checklist. OPTION BMany workplaces use portable ladders to conduct work (e.g., painting, repairing) or to access supplies and materials. Locate any ladders used in your workplace, and conduct an inspection of them for compliance with 29 CFR 1910.23 and 1910.26. If you are able to observe any ladders in use, evaluate whether they are being used in accordance with the standards.Your report should contain the following items:1.a brief description of the workplace inspected2.a compliance checklist prepared for the specific workplace and the standards being evaluated3.noncompliance observed, including the full OSHA standard citations4.recommended corrective actions5.A summary of overall compliance. The report should be a minimum of two pages in length (double-spaced), including the checklist.