Solved by verified expert:Develop a technology plan for implementing a cloud computing service such as IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS in a project for an enterprise, a business, or an organization. The ideal selection would be a real business about which a team member has enough information to share and support the requirements for this plan.ASSIGMENT Brainstorm with team members to come up with ideas for the project.Select from one of the ideas among team members to use for this project. Justify why this service is suitable to develop and deploy within cloud services instead of other options. Include both technical and business aspects. Start determining the timeline for the project. Choose carefully because this project will be used for the rest of the Learning Team activities.Deliverables for this week:Create a 1-page draft outline of the key components of the project that your team chose, including a draft of your project plan.Create a 1-page draft budget for implementing your project. Make sure to estimate what consulting services will cost, what the cloud service will cost, any software costs that may apply, or other costs that are applicable to the project.
Expert answer:Cloud Service Plan
by writersseek | Feb 2, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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