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The world as a whole is experiencing rapid changes in demographics. One of
the most intriguing change is population growth rate. Although some countries witness
a decline in the population growth rate, the world’s population is bound to increase by
billions in the coming years. The current social transitions are responsible for the rapid
demographic changes in most countries. Europe and India are some of the regions in
the world that have undergone the demographic transformations.
While Europe is three times as big as India in size, the population of India is 1.8
times as large as Europe’s. However, India is an independent country, whereas Europe
has many other countries within it. India will be the key contributor to the projected
population growth of the world. The state is currently in position three regarding
population. However, it is anticipated to take the population lead by 2050 as opposed
to its counterpart Europe. India’s population growth rate needs control and not
Europe’s with reference to the projections. This is because researchers have realized
that resources will be 40 percent less for every citizen by 2050 which does not
encourage population increase. The same methods used to control death rates should
apply to birth rates in India and the whole world to prevent the projected issues the
world will face.
The factors behind the growth rate of India are several. The holistic ones that led
to the rapid population increase include better monsoons that increased agricultural
production. A rise in the food supply has always been the key reason for population
growth. Food supply led to increased population and eventually increased demand.
Increased demand resulted in an increase in industrial output hence infrastructural
development. Another factor is the tax reforms that drove India’s economy positively
and resulted in a 2 percent rise in GDP. Other macro factors include good and less
corrupted governance, low-cost labor and skilled workforce, ease of doing business
and the coming in of investors due to increased demand.
Response from Instructor:
You raise some interesting points and present some good information. The fact
about the 40% less resources by 2050 is both fascinating and frightening! You need to
add some material to this post. You need to compare the population rates and patterns
of the U.S., Europe and India. While you mention the demographic transition model
you need to include more, and more direct comparisons, using information from it.

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