Solved by verified expert:PLEASE SEPARATE EACH ASSIGNMENT ON DIFFERENT WORD DOCUMENTWEEK 4: May It Please the Court …Please respond to EACH of the following discussion topics and submit them to the discussion forum as a single post. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length. Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts. If you haven’t recently, please review the Rules of Discussion.For your initial post this week imagine that you are a lawyer arguing a case concerning federalism before the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This case has to do whether the power to create policy on a particular issue should be in the hands of the Federal Government, left to the States, or left in the hands of individual citizens.Then, you must support your argument to the Supreme Court by finding and using an applicable part of the United States Constitution.Select one of the following starters to start your argument (only do one):May it please the court, the federal government, not the states has the power to legalize marijuana because …May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to legalize marijuana because …May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to legalize marijuana because …May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass gun control because …May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass gun control because …May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass gun control because …May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass education policy because …May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass education policy because …May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass education policy because …May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …For your two follow up posts you may do the following:Pretend you are a justice of the Supreme Court and question the argument of one of your peers.Respond to the questions of your peers to your initial argument.Week 5: Party Platform Creation ActivityThis week we learned about the important functions of political parties. You also had the opportunity to browse the Democratic and Republican Party platforms for your reading. In this activity, pretend you are in charge of inventing your own original political party and write a platform for your brand new political party.Your platform and reflection essay should be at least 500 words long and address the following:Part 1 – Your PlatformName your party.Identify and describe one domestic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that domestic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Domestic policy is anything that impacts how we live our lives within the borders of our nation.)Identify and describe one specific economic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that economic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Economic policy is all those policies that impact the distribution and exchange of property, wealth, and capital. Think about things that impact money and how much you have and how you can make more.)Identify and describe one specific foreign policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that foreign policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Foreign policy is how this nation interacts with other nations.)Part 2 – Reflection EssayWrite an essay in which you compare and contrast each of your three policies, one at a time, to similar policies from the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties. How are your policies similar to the policies of the two major parties? How your policies different from the policies of the two major parties? Be specific and include specific examples. Conclude your comparison and contrast essay by discussing which of the two major parties your political party most similar to?Don’t forget to include a reference list.Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.Week 7: Fantasy Presidential Campaign ActivityIn this activity you are going to apply what you have learned this week about policy as well as apply what you have learned in this course so far to create a basic presidential campaign plan.Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to run in the General Election. In your campaign plan, please address the following:Part 1: Campaign DetailsWhat is your home state? GEORGIAWhat is your political party? DEMOCRATICWhat is your campaign tagline or slogan? Almost all recent presidential campaigns have had a theme song. For example, in 1992, Bill Clinton used the song,” Don’t Stop,” by Fleetwood Mac. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney used the song, “Born Free,” by Kid Rock. What is your campaign theme song? Why did you select that song.Select someone to be your Vice Presidential Running Mate. You can pick anyone that would eligible, per the Constitution, to serve as President. Why did you select this person to be your vice presidential running mate? How do they help improve your chances on winning the General Election?Part 2: Your IssuesSelect and describe two (2) domestic policy issues your campaign is advocating.Why did you select these domestic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.For each domestic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.Select and describe two (2) economic policy issues your campaign is advocating.Why did you select these economic policy issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.For each economic policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.Select and describe two (2) foreign policy issues your campaign is advocating.Why did you select these foreign issues to focus on? Use polling data from a reputable polling source such as pew research to support your decision.For each foreign policy issue write a simple one sentence “elevator pitch” that you would use to easily communicate your position to the masses.Part 3: Your StrategyConsidering the electoral college vote, which specific states would you campaign in. Keep in mind you have limited resources and that you can’t campaign in every state. Think about what states you would need to win in order to win the general election. Based on historical data, do you actually have a chance to win. Would you be able secure enough electoral votes to win the general election by these states.To help you think about this part of the assignment you may want to find online and play with an “Interactive Electoral College Map.” Here are some website that you could use to help: sure to include a reference list of all sources that you used to complete your paper.Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.Grading Criteria AssignmentsMaximum PointsMeets or exceeds established assignment criteria40Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts20Clearly present well-reasoned ideas and concepts30Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, and citation of sources as needed 10Total100
Expert answer:Complete 3 Short American Government Assignments N
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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