Solved by verified expert:PLEASE SEPARATE EACH DISCUSSION POSTNew Product DevelopmentThink of a new product you recently purchased or used, or an ad for a new product.Share with the class this new product idea; in addition to describing this new item indicate whether this new product is either additions to existing product lines or improvements or revisions of existing products.Do you believe your new product will be among the few new product ideas that are truly successful?Why or why not? Suggestion: if you can find a link to your product online, include the link in your response so your classmates can view the product you are reviewing. Virtual Field Trip – Career ChoiceEmbark on a virtual field trip. Researching online, explore different career fields that interest you. Share with your classmates which career field or fields you found most interesting. Why do you find it interesting? What is the salary range and average income for people working in that field? What level of education is required to work in that career field? How do your findings affect your career, educational, and financial plans
Expert answer:Complete TWO Marketing and Business Discussion Pos
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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