Expert answer:The escalation in computer crime is becoming an increasingly controversial topic in recent mediastories. However, the way in which cybercrime is handled differs depending upon the country that hasjurisdiction. Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to certain crimes – e.g., hacking,identity theft, cyberstalking, etc.) is handled in at least three different countries (one can be theUnited States). Compare and contrast each country’s laws. What ethical issues arise as a result of differencesin cybercriminal prosecution across cultures? How will your understanding of the differences among cultures affect your ability to makedecisions within your company?Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words, written in a format appropriate for a business report.References and in-text citations should be in APA format.*Explain computer crime laws from the United States*Explain computer crime laws another first world country other than the US.*compare and contrast the laws of 3 countries*identify ethical issues enforcing laws between countries* identify how differences in culture could affect decision making
Expert answer:computer crime report
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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