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Congestion implies loss of time and money, and therefore undermines the competitive position of
ports and maritime logistics chains. Consequently, maximum efforts must be made to avoid such
maritime congestion. To this end, insight is required into present and future developments in maritime
transport and port throughput, as well as into the strategic behaviour of the various market players
involved. The probable solution of port congestion at the port of Sydney needs to be addressing
overall infrastructural and superstructural facilities with best practice of supply chain networks.
If the port is efficient and reliable then there will be no any negative impact on shipping lines.
The most likely future scenarios, which therefore deserve to be studied in depth, are more or less
known. However, some uncertainty remains as regards the timeframe in which the expected
developments will unfold. The speed at which the various market players within the maritime
logistics chain will take specific initiatives shall depend on a battery of exogenous and endogenous
variables. As is the case with pricing in the maritime sector, and with successfully covering oneself
against price fluctuations and other risks, timing is what ultimately determines who will emerge as
the winner. Further quantification of decisions taken by various chain actors is needed. This should
help understand why they take certain decisions, but also where congestion occurs, sometimes in a
hidden way. This will reflect in higher operator costs, implying action to be taken.
For Australian ports to fall in line with the requirements of global logistics and supply chain network,
concerted efforts must be made to eliminate all port practices that induce congestion and to invest
more on facilities and platforms that can enhance efficiency in optimizing operational, transactional
and storage systems in the ports. In this regard, this paper posits the following recommendation to
achieve less congestion problems in port botany.
1. At port entry channels level, port botany should adopt good strategies to manage and maintain all
port entry channels and its vicinity by deploying adequate and accurate programming of ships’
arrival anchorage and departure from the ports to avoid queuing and bunching of ships waiting
2. The widths of channels leading into ports should be expanded and continuously dredged to ease
the entry and exit of ships calling at the ports.
3. Daily average arrival and departure statistics of ship call in all the ports need to be maintained to
enhance programming of ship arrival and departure in line with port capacity.
4. Berth specialization should be upgraded to enhance operational efficiency of terminals and to
optimize berth occupancy.
5. Invest more on terminal cargo handling gears for the purpose of improving berth work efficiency
and reduce turn-round time of vessels at port.
6. Improve average speed in cargo transfer to reduce dwell time and enhance ports’ cargo
Through put.
This study was not able to achieve its potential depth due to number of limitations. The first
limitation is time restriction which is real concern for the research. Due to time limitation this
research able to produce general concept and idea about the vary topic. Time didn’t allow
collecting sufficient data and information which is worst case scenario, result not very effective
project. Secondly, there was very limited paper and article published which affect in data
analysing part. Found tough to analyse data due to limited statistical data. The limited available
documents were difficult to access because of institute/organisational confidence. Therefore,
as an over outcome all these limitation delayed the process of finding data and information.

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