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The right to counsel
The sixth amendment to the US’s constitution is the assistance of counsel clause. This change is one of
the most important parts of the law that gives out rights to alleged offenders in a criminal prosecution.
In this clause, the accused people or person is given a right to choose the counsel of their own choice,
the right to characterize themselves, the right to counsel minus conflict of interests and the right to the
appointment of the council if they are not able to afford (“Right to Counsel – FindLaw,” 2017)
From a personal perspective an accused person does not stand the chance of a fair trial if they are not
given counsel to guide them, many of this people do not know the law this makes the proceedings hard.
The accused will not know what to say and what not to say in a court of law unless through guidance. As
we can see in Powell v. Alabama 287 U. S. 45 (1932) was the leading case to determine that there should
be a right to a lawyer. This case established this rule when nine black youths were charged and
convicted of raping two white women without due legal advice (Israel, Kamisa, LaFave, King, & Primus,
Nearby have been several cases in Florida where accused persons have not been given representation
on court and as a result, the accused persons have not received fair judgement making the Supreme
Court to be accused of making the wrong denying people’s rights (Frances P, 2013). There are
researchers who have researched on previous cases and also made follow up and proceeding cases. The
researchers in the end have founded in cases where accused persons have not been given legal
representation they have ended up getting poor judgements. With no counsel the accused have not
been able to answer questions properly and in the end, they have received poor judgement.
Here are reputable magazines that have addressed the issues due to concern to several people, the
American lawyer for instance is a magazine addressing the issues regarding to law and that has been
one of the concerns. The magazine addresses those cases where accused persons have received poor
judgment because they lacked the guidance of counsel (Lauren S, 2014).
The Right to Counsel – FindLaw. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Israel, J. H., Kamisar, Y., LaFave, W. R., King, N. J., & Primus, E. B. (2016). Criminal procedure and the
Constitution: Leading Supreme Court cases and introductory text. St. Paul, MN: West Academic
Frances P, (2013). The implication of ineffective assistance of counsel claims. Retrieved from
Lauren S, (2014). Deconstructing the Right to Counsel. Retrieved from
Rubric Detail
A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked
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Name: Discussion Forum Grading Rubric
Description: Discussion Post Grading Rubric
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40 (40%)
Address Questions Addresses all parts of
the questions
10 (10%)
All assigned readings
Incorporate Readings
are incorporated into
post. Citations are in
APA format.
10 (10%)
Reflects original
content composed by
the student in his/her
own words.
10 (10%)
Post has clearly
expressed ideas and is
Formatting &
well organized;
contains few
grammatical errors (if
any); is professional in
nature and meets the
minimum word count.
Reply 1
Reply 2
15 (15%)
Reply is substantive,
moves the discussion
forward, and meets the
minimum word count.
15 (15%)
Reply is substantive,
moves the discussion
forward, and meets the
minimum word count.
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