Solved by verified expert:I need help creating a website that contains my research. I have attached the instruction of my project and my research paper. I also have attached instruction of two case studies of HTML 5 that we did it before and it is just an example to show what it is exactly required for for this project




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How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
“By placing this statement on my webpage, I certify that I have read and understood the
GMU Honor Code on and as stated, I was a student
member of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie
in matters related to academic work. Also, I have received permission from the copyright holder
for any copyrighted material that is displayed on my site. This includes quoting extensive
amounts of text, any material copied directly from a web page and graphics/pictures that are
copyrighted. This project or subject material has not been used in another class by me or any
other student. Finally, I certify that this site is not for commercial purposes, which is a violation
of the George Mason Responsible Use of Computing (RUC) Policy posted
on website.”
Technology has dragged along with it some positivity’s and negativities. This remark
cannot pass-by without mentioning the advent of social media. Social media has come to ease
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
ways in which we interact and trot the global sphere. One of the most monumental sites that
boast of the largest audience is Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They are the social media
platforms that have impacted communications right from official level to unofficial level of
interaction. Internet and smartphones are the primary tools that facilitate the use of social media
because of their accessibility, availability, and portability. Even though social media is attributed
to adverse impacts on interaction and social relationship, it is helpful in the business sectors as
far are communication, sales and marketing are concerned. A lot can be attributed to its
formation apart from socializing as it has been a fundamental building block of businesses.
Nevertheless, it has come along with moral and ethical dilemmas that have eroded acceptable
norms within the moral fabric. This study aims at critically analyzing the influence of social
media on our current and future lives in both official and unofficial levels.
Current Use
Looking at the case of Facebook which has heralded a great global phenomenon; Mark
Zuckerberg’s, intention was to facilitate global socialization. While it still retains this use, people
have innovated other ways in which they can use the site; for example, people use Facebook in
advertising a company’s product or an individual’s skills. It is a starting base for most businesses.
Security Aspects of Social Media
Security experts have continually warned on divulging an accurate account of details over
social media. However, with millions of people engaged in these platforms, ignorance will
always outplay wit despite the many awareness warnings. Consequently, with the growing
numbers of identity thieves over these spheres of interactivity; security concerns are rife due to
the growth in spam and phishing attacks. Countries should also be vigilant on social media
accounts used to create fear and cause disorder. Social media developers have continuously come
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
up with techniques of ensuring that images and messages that are a threat to the social well-being
of society are eliminated before they are transferred to people.
Ethical and Social Implications of Social Media
Studies have eluded that an “active social networker” spends about 30% of their day on
social media sites. This has an underlying implication on the acceptable standards of workplace
policy. The obvious reason is that an employee’s concentration will be immersed on their phones
rather than the work for which they have been employed thus reducing the resourcefulness of the
employees in various organizations across the industries. As well, it is a factor of time-wastage
to both students and employees which draws criticism for the ethical and social imbalance that
social media has brought about. Social media has played a significant role in ruining social
relationships as people are most of the times too attached to their gadgets to pay attention to each
other. The result is loneliness for children and spouses which has increased depression levels,
especially for the younger generation.
Future Use of Social Media
It is an acclaimed fact that technology is susceptible to evolution and innovations. In this
light, social media, which is parcel to technology, is likely to undergo metamorphosis. Initially,
the foundation of a majority of social media sites built along formation of relationships.
However, this has consistently changed into a tool of maintaining personal brand and as a record
of moments. People have turned to using social media to flaunt their wealth and make others
admire their achievements. They use all means to depict their good lives which is not the case
most times.
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
Social media helps in communication that facilitate social interaction and business
networks despite the negative aspects such as security and time wasting. Social media users
should always develop a culture that helps in managing time ethically as far as social media
utilization is concerned. It is vital that people go back to understanding the basis for the
invention of social media. Knowing that it was meant to make communication between people in
various regions of the world easy as opposed to the current misuse people have turned it into
enables them to be more cautious about it. People must take advantage of opportunities offered
by social media to develop themselves as well. It is important that people keep track of the time
they allocate to social media. They will avoid drifting to time-wasting activities once they are
logged in if they go there for specific objectives. It is the time that people began viewing social
media from a different perspective.
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
Annotated Bibliography
Henry, James, H. (2014). The Influence of Social Media Technology on Generation Y’s ability to
communicate Face to Face. ProQuest. Retrieved 11 Sep 2017 from
In this article, Henry (2014) presents a substantial argument on the impact that social
media has had on real-time conversations. Henry conducts a research where he involves both
professors and generation iY students in obtaining their views on how they feel social media
have impacted their day to day interactions. In his findings, Henry points out that indeed social
media have a negative impact on people making a face to face interactions. This article helps in
developing the topic, especially on the part of how social media has created problems in the
McGough, B. (2013). Engaging Undergraduate and Graduate Students through Social Media.
ProQuest. Retrieved 11 Sep 2017 from
McGough (2013) develops a three-part analysis of how social networking can be used to
enhance learning effectively. In this article, she explains how social media can be used to
conduct research that can be helpful in improving class work performance for learners. Social
media has a broad range of scholarly information, but most students do not know how to use it
for these purposes. This article helps provide evidence of a way in which social media has helped
solve the problem of finding useful research materials.
Da Rocha, R., & Lombard, A. (2013). Lecturer Perceptions on the Use of Social Networking
Services in Education. ProQuest. Retrieved 11 Sep 2017 from
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
In this article, Da Rocha & Lombard (2013) look at how the lecturers perceive the use of
social networking platforms in education. They get a sample study of lecturers from various
universities and interview them as well as offer a questionnaire to know of their thinking on how
effective social networking is in education. This article is of great significance because it
presents the basis for arguing whether social media has changed the education sector for good or
created a problem.
Harris, S. (2009). Security Issues of Social Network Sites. informIT. Retrieved from
With a view of eluding masses from the security issues clouding social media
sites, Harris gives an in-depth perspective by writing this article. She does this by
demystifying the use for which social media sites were created for. After that, she delves
into the subject of security in these sites of interactivity for which forms the brain of her
article. Finally, she recaptures on security issues by using Facebook in analyzing her case.
The author’s article is reliable in offering resourceful information from which aspects of
the final paper will be based.
Kulkarni, C. (2016). 11 Ways Social Media Will Evolve in the Future. Entrepreneur.
Retrieved from
Kulkarni’s article sets an apparent motion from the introductory paragraphs.
Thereby, he evokes a keen understanding of his title which coincides with a part of the
How Social Media Has Helped to Solve and Consequently Created Problems
final output of this draft. Furthermore, his use of numerous points to illustrate ways in
which social media may be deployed in the future offers a divergent ocean of ideas to
churn a top-notch paper.
Vallor, S. (2015). Social Networking and Ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Retrieved from Vallor’s article is mainly founded on aspects of philosophy and
sociology. This is desirable to put into consideration in this paper given that social
networking and ethics rotates around these topics. Consequently, the authors use of
naturalistic and straightforward language is of vital importance in gaining an
understanding of her insights which set in motion fundamental illustrations as will be
depicted in the final paper for this draft.
IT103 Lecture Project – Student Deliverable #2
Web Site Specifications (150 points – 15% of final grade)
As part of this project, you will publish the research paper on the web and will include graphics
and links to related information. Information on your web site must have incorporated
instructors’ feedback on research paper and is carefully proofread, spell checked and verified for
information accuracy. In addition, your site must not infringe copyrights by using media (e.g.
video, images) or text without appropriate permissions.
Project Objectives

Demonstrate your ability to use web based technologies to communicate your understanding
of a selected technology related topic
Make obvious your ability to seek permission from the originator for the copyrighted
material and cite references appropriately
Project Requirements
In this project, you will use HTML 5 to publish your research paper on the mason web site.
Every page of your research paper is a webpage (title page, content pages, and reference
page). There will be a menu on each page of your paper to easily navigate to each webpage
of your research paper.

Note: Use of HTML editors (MS Word, Dreamweaver, Chrome etc.) is NOT
permitted. External Cascading style sheets (CSS) are NOT permitted.
Note: You will use CSS to define style, family and size of text used in your website.
Prior to creating your website, you MUST CORRECT your research paper based on the
instructor’s comments on your research paper.
1. Title Page.
• Your website’s homepage ( will contain a link to your
research paper’s title page. The homepage will be the homepage you created in the
lab. The link to the title page will be below the link for the syllabus on homepage
using CSS unordered list (bullets) for the syllabus and the title of your paper. There
will be ONLY two links on your homepage – one to syllabus and one to the title page

of your paper. The title page CANNOT be your homepage. The title page content
will be same as the title page of your research paper – title of your project, your name,
date, and GMU Honor Code Statement with active links to GMU Honor Code and GMU
Responsible Use of Computing Policy.
Additional requirements on the title page:
o For the GMU Honor Code Statement ONLY – use CSS for controlling style,
fonts and size – font-style: normal; use font-family Arial and font-size 1em
o Provide a link to the PDF document of your corrected research paper below the
Honor Code Statement.
2. Content Pages.
• Cite all references in the body of research paper including those that are paraphrased, in
accordance with APA style/format.
• Each paragraph of the corrected paper will be a paragraph in your website. Do not
combine paragraphs. Insure quotations or apostrophe markings are transferred correctly
to web page.
• Additional requirements for content pages: Use CSS for the unordered list and your video
created in lab
o CSS unordered list on the second content page
• Use list-style-type with square markers and list-style-position with inside
• Unordered list can be used in listing small amounts of project relevant
information as is done in paper formats. Do not eliminate text in order to
create an unordered list. The use of a list for your project’s menu, for the
references, and on the title page does not satisfy this requirement.
o Use HTML 5 video and source tags to embed video that you created in lab. It
must be related to your research paper and placed on your third content page.
Remember: the title page is not a content page.
o Include a link to your mobile app that you created in lab. Remember, mobile app
has to be relevant to your research paper. Place the link on your last page (web
page before your reference page)

Have at least one of the following additional requirements on at least one if not on
all of the content pages: Original artwork, Digital photograph and Public domain
Clip art
Note: As with any media (video, clip art/image, etc.), you need to obtain permission by the
copyright owner to use the media. This is accomplished by checking the site’s documents (e.g.
Terms of Use, Terms of Service, Copyright, Legal, etc.) or by obtaining permission directly from
owner. You must then follow the directions given for use or non-use. For your movie posted on
YouTube, you do not need to obtain further information in order to include it in your website.
o Original artwork
• Original artwork created by you in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS Paint
or other graphics software. A single colored or plain gif or jpeg image
does not satisfy this requirement. Using this gif or jpeg image as a
background image will not satisfy this requirement.
o Digital photograph relevant to the chosen topic
• Digital photograph (you have taken yourself) and is relevant to the topic.
The digital photograph file must be in a gif or jpeg image format.
o Clipart (e.g. gif image). If not stated on the web that the media is free, you must
consider the media to be copyrighted, and therefore you must have permission to
use the media (video, clip art/image, etc.) in your website.
4. Reference page
• Cite all references in accordance with APA style/format on a separate webpage.
• Do not use an ordered or unordered list for paper content references.
• In addition to paper content references listed in the research paper, include a Website
Media Reference section right after your paper content references on the same webpage.
The section will be name Website Media Reference. The section will have references
for all video, clipart/images, and original artwork used in your website. Do not use an
ordered or unordered list in this section of this webpage.
• Media (video, clipart/image, etc.) reference:
a. Original video reference will include the following. Description of the video,
date of its creation, website URL where it is posted, and the statement “video
is original and created by me”.
b. Video and clip art/image reference will include the following. Description of
the media (video, clipart/image), how it is related to your topic, name of
artist/copyright holder, date that you obtained the media (video, clip
art/image, etc.), a link to the source URL and a link to the source site’s page
granting you permission to use and the conditions of use. The page granting
permission may have the following names but is not limited to these names:
Terms of Use, Terms of Service, Copyright or Legal. You only need to
include this if you have any additional video(s) in your website.
c. Original artwork reference and digital photograph will include the
following. Description of the artwork or digital photograph, name of the
software used to create the artwork, date the artwork or photograph was
created/taken, and the statement “artwork is original and created by me” or the
statement “digital photograph was taken by me”.
d. Each type of media (video/original artwork/digital photograph/clipart) will
include an annotation, 5 sentences explaining how the media is related to your
research paper.
2. Each web reference/source will have an active link to the source/database URL
including information requested in the research paper instructions.

Additional requirement: Add a section at the end of the reference page after the
Website Media Reference section. This new section will be name Website Links. In
this section, there will be a link to your research paper blog on the reference page and a
link to your research paper wiki. Use a CSS ordered list.
Note: This project must be your own work. If you get help from someone else (e.g. The Media
Center), you must state this on your references page (be specific).
5. Menu–Use HTML 5 nav tag for creating your menu which will be located at the top of each
page of your research paper. The menu will contain links to every page of your project
including a link to your homepage. Do not have a menu of your research paper on your
The project must be in your mason UNIX account. There must be a link from your index.html
file (i.e., homepage) to your project. Thus, when the instructor goes to, the instructor will see a link to your project. All projects must
be stored in your mason UNIX account to receive credit. Your pages should include appropriate
formatting and graphics, and should be linked to other relevant pages. All links must be active
links to navigate the reader to respective webpages.
Remember, it is a violation of the GMU Responsible Use of Computer Policy to use a
Mason account for commercial purposes. Your project must not be commercial in nature.
Volgenau School of Engineering Peer Advisors –
Web Development Guide by George Mason University –
STAR Computer Lab –
Infoguides for XHTML tutorial websites –
KEEP CURRENT BACKUPS AT ALL TIMES. “The computer ate my project” will get you
sympathy, but no points.
Test your project on different browsers. If your …
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