Expert answer:Introduction>Introduce your Signature Assignment in a memorable way. Introduce the theme(s)/topic(s) of your Signature Assignment and explain why/how you chose it/them.The Argument Essay>Describe your process in composing your essay (early steps, struggles, successes). Also, describe in detail your purpose (argument), research, design choices, and other important choices you made along the way. Be specific.The Multimodal Project>Describe your process in composing your project (early steps, struggles, successes). Also, describe in detail your rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, context, & genre), research, design and mode choices, and other important choices you made along the way. Be specific.Conclusion>Get critical. How did all of the choices you made help you to complete your essay and project? If you were to go back and make changes to your essay or project, what would you do differently? What are your thoughts on your final Signature Assignment? What have you learned about writing in the digital age?
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Video games are art
The medium of video games is becoming a postmodern art and ought to be
regarded as any other form of art. Video games are currently undergoing a drastic shift
from the traditional video games to modern video games. Artists have come up with
changes in technology. The technology in video games includes technologies such as
Take-Two Interactive (TTWO), Nintendo and Activision Blizzard. Companies such as
Facebook and Sony are working hard to improve the techniques having the capital as
well as expertise.
The video game is expected to advance due to advancement in technology and
current trends such as social media, games as a service and spectatorship. The video
games are enhancing from day to day. A lot of creativity and innovation has been seen
in the world of games such as Virtual reality which has added more fun to gaming
technology. A lot of artists are coming up with different ways of generating a better way
of enhancing the field of video games. A lot of companies are adding more
experimentation in the game technology adding things like voice, gestures, and touch
screen. Children are provided with more detailed video games. Most of them tend to
communicate and build some social trends to the children. They gain an opportunity to
learn what happens in the world. It not only entertains but also teaches the children.
While many would argue that video games are not art, I would argue they are art
because video games involve a lot of traditional artistic expression were its sculpturing
is in the form of 3D modeling. Video games involve narrative arcs as well as
In general, art is affecting a lot of people. When people think of art, what comes to
their mind is sculptures, paintings, writings, music, singing photography among other
arts. People continue to argue what is art and what is not art. Regardless of the
arguments and critics artists continue to create more art which defies the definitions and
conventions made by people. Art is evolving, and its diversifying nature continues to
expand. Art involves features such as political, figurative, conceptual, cerebral, and
funny, cold, erotic, ugly, sentimental among other features. The Supreme Court of the
United States ruled out that video games should be categorized at same categories with
other forms of art. Video games are only types of artistic expressions that enable the
authoritative voice of the makers to be true and as the same time allowing the observer
to experiments as well explore the creative expression; this differentiates the other
forms of art from the art of video games (Patton, 2013). Video games are first games
that have rules as well as objectives unlike other forms of art. Looking at different ways
of art such as novels and play which a person can only experience them, video games
can be won. Video games involve wrapping up several artistic expressions together to
create a single package. Video games become an art for they inspire people making the
feel and let them experience the unreachable within the realm of the real.
Currently, video games tend to incorporate art and science. Technology has
enabled the artists to tell their stories and create their artworks uniquely and
outstandingly. Artists, designers, historians, designers as well as critics argue more
about technology and culture. Video game artists are visual artists for they do sketches
or characters in the games, settings, and objects. When video games started, people
involved in the game development were mostly programmers who made games such as
pong lack. Their creativity was not as what we have known. In 1990, there was an
increase in the budget for game companies. Companies started using 2D, and then 3D
came in later (Patton, 2013). The art fits very well with science. Artistic expression is
done in the aesthetics of the laboratory as well as close observations were done by
scientists who discover newer material as well as microbes that live in an unseen world.
Combination of artistic gene and Bio-art that in the 1980s solidifies extends as well as
enriches the organic relationship. The organic relationship represents the art and
biological sciences in the living matters like genes, cells, and animals and its new
media. Artist use as well as incorporate imaging technologies that are in artistic space
that brings in living as well as dead matter to live. Science is incorporated in art through
celluloid as well as digital video in video games. Artists and scientist always work
together in the creation of a co-creation (Patton, 2013).
Science and art involve attempts aiming at understanding as well as describing
the world around. The subject, as well as methods used, possesses different traditions
but the audiences are different. However, the motivations, as well as goals, work the
same. Scientists and artists have to work hard in achieving scientific and artistic
success. They struggle more to achieve new insights (Patton, 2013).
Video games have been able to create an avenue for individuals to enjoy and
experience life in a different way. Video games now fit in the digital space. The video
game can be painted and brought out in a manner that cannot be compared with the
traditional video games. They include a combination of traditional artistic expressionsculpture in the form of 3D modeling, dynamic music, and illustration and narrative arcs.
2d images are also part of the games for a better output. The video game has further
gained the fact of being an art through incorporating soundtracks and effects. The
designers are now able to create a flow of the game through drafting story arcs and
dialogue. Those creating the game also choreograph the moving pieces to create a
seamless world. Therefore, the game is developed with a lot of creativity and
considerations. It is made to meet individual specifications made by the designer. It thus
makes it art (Patton, 2013).
The reason as to why people personally relate to is because art greatly expresses
oneself. Art helps in easing emotions as well as mind while helping in skill building and
confidence. An example is when one draws a drawing; this will boost confidence in the
person to handle same skills. Art gives people gives people meaning. Things like love
and beauty can be described through artwork (Patton, 2013).
Video games stimulate and are a great social tool. Video games evoke emotions
and can also be used in different ways by the player as well as the artist. People who
play video games always have the urge to know more. Researchers have found out
that video games have emotional, cognitive and social benefits (Stuart, Keith,
2014). People who play video games can multitask where they show, accuracy, speed
as well as multitasking. Playing games have psychological benefits to gamers, for they
relieve anxiety and stress.
However, some situations draw video games away from being an Art. It is only
due to the few individuals who come up with video games mainly for financial benefits. It
is not a crime to do so. They will have achieved their goal if they gain the economic
benefits. Artists in the modern era (1800 to date) the process involved in selling art is
different from now. During the middle age as well as rebirth works of art, artists were
commissioned and ordered to make the skills in order. A patron would enter into a
contract with the artist who specified the amount of money to be paid. Today’s artwork is
very expensive for it is bought according to the emotional connection felt which creates
the subjective value. Unlike before where many artists painted to fulfill their desires
most artists in modern days’ value their artistic work according to condition, rarity,
quality, value, and provenance as well as authenticity (Patton, 2013).
The modern video games are a postmodern art, and this makes them an art to
be considered just like other forms of art. All games deserve high art ratings for they
involve the combination of so many types of art such as paintings, and creating writing
skill. The definition of art itself gives the real meaning of art. Art is expression and
application of a human creative thinking and this typically means that video game is a
form of art expressed visually. Art involves what the artists want the others to see or
Annotated Bibliography.
Patton, Ryan M. “Games as an artistic medium: Investigating complexity thinking in
game-based art pedagogy.” Studies in Art Education 55.1 (2013): 35-50.
{Author credentials} Ryan Patton is an assistant professor of Art Education at Virginia
Commonwealth University. He taught art at the Jane Addams High School for academic
careers in the south Bronx during the school year before beginning his doctoral
work. Also taught flash animation and game development in summer at the
Smithsonian Associates camps
{Type of information} his action research study examines video games making; using an
integrated development environment software program called the Game Maker as an
art education curriculum for students between the age range of 8 and 13. {Purpose}
through the designed method students can create video games using the MARC
methods (move, avoid, release, contact) which explores their thinking
complexity{Relevance} the book is relevant since the study tests video games making.
Patton, R. M. (2013). Games as an artistic medium: Investigating complexity thinking in
game-based art pedagogy. Studies in Art Education, 55(1), 35-50.
Redick, T. S., Unsworth, N., Kane, M. J., & Hambrick, D. Z. (2017). Don’t Shoot the
Messenger: Still No Evidence That Video-Game Experience Is Related to Cognitive
Rogers, S. (2014). Level Up! The guide to great video game design. John Wiley & Sons.
Schell, J. (2014). The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses. CRC Press.
Solarski, C. (2017). Interactive Stories and Video Game Art: A Storytelling Framework
for Game Design. CRC Press.
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