Expert answer:this is a critical thinking presentation please make sure that there is nothing plagiarized This Powerpoint contains the directions for this project. In order to complete the assignment you can replace the instructions with your responses as you work. Make sure to complete each section. Do not change the format. here are some ideas for the presentation: WET WHIPES & Washington DC (legislation)TESLA Model 3 Production issuesTED Talk – David Burkus- Would Work Improve if you Knew what your Colleagues Get Paid? (you can read the transcripts to assist you).…Automation Replacing Workers:…do not pick the easiest thing, i want something impressive please.
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Title SlidePut the title of your presentation here
The title of the Article (don’t get hung up on form-include the title,
publication, author and date)
EXAMPLE: The Stunning String of Blows that Upended the World’s Most
Valuable Startup, Business Insider, Biz Carson and Skye Gould, June 26,
a URL to the Article (if you have one)
the TOPIC from our book that it deals with
EXAMPLE: Public Relations /Branding
After reading the article (s) what is the
problem or issue as you see it?
• Example: Uber has been plagued by many public scandals which has
tarnished their brand image so I am classifying this as a branding/PR
• Example: The U.S pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement may
have a detrimental impact on our ability to compete in the green
economy and may affect job growth.
• Example: Domestic productivity growth is slow. This impacts standard
of living and our overall economy. Given advances in technology
businesses and economists need to understand why this is
Use the book & one other source to define
your topic(s) You may have several
• xxxxxxx ( Text)
• Xxxxx (Dr. Who)
• XXXXX (Text)
• Xxxxxx (Keegan)
Summary Statement from your article
• This is a Summary of the points that relate to your topic and should
include your opinion. It is not the entire article. You should have several
ideas from the article that support this summary statement.(feel free to
use a more than one powerpoint slide)
• Quote each and use bullet points to separate them after you write your
summary statement in your own words.
• EXAMPLE: Uber has been plagued by many public scandals which has tarnished
their brand image. Issues with their Corporate Culture created an environment
that enabled the problems and caused the scandals. The leadership and culture
of Uber must change to rebuild their brand image.
• “I have seen xxxxxxxxxx but Uber continues to”
• “Uber continued to ignore…………… “
• At every level of the corporation xxxxxxx”
Sources of Information
• READER BEWARE: Think about the reliability and credibility of your
sources. Is the article fair? Does the author have a bias toward or
against the company. Does it seem to be leading you to believe one
way or another or does it just give facts?
• After reading and reviewing your sources, you may have changed
your initial view of the problem. If you do change your ideas include
a statement about this and what changed and why.
• EXAMPLE: Originally I thought that Uber had a Public Relations or Branding
problem but my information search has led me to conclude that the
leadership and culture of Uber must change to rebuild their brand image. It is
the leadership and culture of Uber has caused their brand image to be
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